Customer Fakes Tip Of $100 To Impress Date. Waiter Says, “I Was Waiting For This Opportunity” As He Takes Epic Revenge. Read On To Find Out

Restaurant servers may have to deal with many difficult customers each day, but this man’s behavior was truly outrageous. A netizen recently shared an incident about “The customer who tipped a fake $100 bill”. Read on to know what exactly happened. For context, this is not the Original Poster’s (OP’s) story, this happened to OP’s…

Mother-in-Law Tries Daughter-in-Law’s Wedding Dress, Latter Snaps But Husband Disagrees With Her. Says, “You’re A Jerk”. Is This Right?”.

Some people DO have a weird obsession for wedding dresses but this is some crazy next-level stuff! An internet user asked, “Am I a jerk for giving my future-mother-in-law (FMIL) 3 days to pay me for a new wedding dress or else I will show the family a photo of her wearing it?”. Read on…

Ex-Boyfriend’s and His Family Pester Girlfriend For Not Informing That Their Son Passed Away. We Think She Should Cut Them Off, What Do You Think?

The loss of a newborn baby is a profound tragedy, but it becomes even more agonizing when a mother is left to endure this immense grief without the support of her partner, who has vanished without a trace. A user asked the forum, Am I wrong for not trying harder to let my ex know…

Neighbor Demands He Stops Smoking Pot In His Balcony. Says, “My Children Can See You”. Is This Fair?

While good neighbors can be a true blessing, unfortunate circumstances can lead to the opposite. A user took forum to ask Am I wrong for smoking weed on my deck?. Read the complete story to know who is wrong here. BACK STORY The Original poster was a 24-year-old male. He lives next to the couple…

Mother-in-Law Angry As Daughter-in-Law Lied To Her About The Baby’s Gender. Gets Her Embarassed In A Party. Is This Right?

Revealing the gender of a baby can be a joyful occasion, but it’s essential to embrace and accept whatever the future holds. Placing undue emphasis on one gender over the other can lead to unnecessary stress and conflict. A user took the forum to ask Am I wrong for “lying” to my MIL about the…

She Excluded Her Hindu Friend From Birthday Celebrations, Says “She Could Only Eat Sides”. Friend Is Upset. Should She Be?

It’s understandable to want to serve food that you enjoy at your own birthday party. However, it’s important to be considerate of your guests’ dietary needs and preferences. Excluding someone from your party because you think they won’t like the food is not only disrespectful but could also be hurtful. The Original Poster Hosts A…

Dog Owners Baffled As A Man Yells At Them As Their Dog Sniffs Him Up. Says, “This Is A Dog-Friendly Place”. Wife Sides With Them. What Do You Think?

While some dog owners are possessive about their pets, what should you do if you’re not a dog person but their dog is trying to be friendly to you? The Original Poster (OP) took it to the forum, and asked, “Am I wrong for telling someone I’m not friendly when their dog came up to…

Girlfriend Furious As Boyfriend Spends Most Of Her Birthday Talking To Her Grandma. Says, “I Feel Neglected”. Is This Stupid?

Birthdays hold a special significance, but can you be forgiven if you overlook your girlfriend’s birthday party? This predicament poses a delicate dilemma. The Original Poster (OP) took it to the forum, and asked, “Am I wrong for ignoring my girlfriend on her birthday?”. We want to hear from you.  BACKSTORY OP was invited to…

Boyfriend Refuses To Give Feedback On The Game Girlfriend Developed, Latter Upset. He Says, “You’re Blackmailing Me Into Doing Things I Don’t Like”. Is He Being Dramatic? We Think So!

In a healthy relationship, mutual respect for each other’s choices and preferences is crucial, fostering deeper love and connection. The Original Poster (OP) took it to the forum, and asked “Am I wrong for not wanting to play a game with my girlfriend?”. We want to know from you.  BACKSTORY OP’s girlfriend has been working…

Husband Keeps Dirtying The House, Wife Loses It. Says, “I Did That As A Joke”. Is This Toxic?

Mental health is indeed a sensitive topic, and it’s crucial to approach it with understanding and empathy. Individuals experiencing mental illness face significant challenges, and it’s essential to recognize their struggles. The Original Poster (OP) took it to the forum, and asked “Am I wrong for copying the ‘joke’ my husband played on me?”. We…