15 Worst Things People Are Doing to Destroy Society

The world is undergoing a transformation, and not always in a positive direction. Several factors, ranging from the proliferation of social media and misinformation to the diminishing empathy and erosion of trust, are subtly undermining the fabric of society. A user asked, What is a danger to society that people think is the best thing in…

These 15 Things In His Apartment Means You Should Exit Now

While assessing a man’s character solely on his appearance can be deceptive, his living space often offers valuable insights into his personality and lifestyle. A user asked the forum, Ladies, what are some things in a guy’s apartment that set off red flags? Here are the common responses.  RATS “His pet rat is free to…

20 Things You’ll Wish You Had Done Sooner, So Do It Now

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to overlook the small things that can significantly impact our well-being. Embracing simple yet transformative changes can lead to a remarkable improvement in our quality of life. A user asked the forum, “What improved your quality of life so much that you wish you did…

25 American Cultural Quirks That Will Make You Go Huh?

When people of different countries interact, they may find each other’s culture and habits different. This can be due to variations in language, religion, customs, traditions, values, and social norms, which can influence behavior and communication patterns. A user asked, what’s the hardest thing for you to comprehend about the American culture? and here are some…

23 Cringy Compliments That Women Don’t Want To Hear Anymore

Compliments can be a source of both appreciation and unease, depending on the situation and intent behind them. Have you ever experienced a compliment from a man that made you feel uncomfortable or unsure of his intentions? A user asked, Ladies, what is a compliment men give that you don’t like? Here are the top…

Women List 15 Hardest Things About Being A Man

Women often focus on the societal advantages of being a man, but it’s important to recognize that men also face unique challenges and disadvantages.  A user took the forum to ask, “Women, what would be the worst thing about being a man?”. Here are the common responses.  LIVING UNDER PRESSURE “The constant pressure in society…

15 Questions You Shouldn’t Skip Asking Before Your Next Date

Navigating the dating scene can be challenging, but asking insightful questions can not only deepen your understanding of your potential partner but also help you determine if they are compatible with your life goals and aspirations. A user asked the forum, What is a good question to ask before you start dating someone? Here are…

15 Things Are Just Too Good To Be Frugal About. Are You?

Earning money to live your dream life is a noble pursuit, but if you’re still not living that life despite your financial means, is it truly worth the effort? A user took the forum and asked,  What is your LEAST frugal habit/expense? Here are the top responses.  PERSONAL TRAINER  “Personal Trainer. It’s an extortionate amount,…

21 Everyday Things That Can Harm You Without You Even Realizing It

People indulge in all kind of activities, sometimes just for the fun of it. A user asked, “What are some hazardous things most people don’t realize are dangerous?” and here are some simple things: 1. River Sports or Anything Similar “This is vague, but many people underestimate water’s dangers. Like the power of a river…

16 Things That Movies Aren’t Doing Right. It’s Literally Unrealistic!

Movies can be a mirage, portraying life as more glamorous and exciting than reality. Things are often more complex and nuanced than they appear on screen. A user took the forum and asked, What isn’t like it is in the movies? Here are the top responses.  DIGGING A GRAVE “Digging a grave. Soil is much…