Man Snaps As Brother-in-Law’s REFUSES To Babysit In Emergency. Says, “I’m Child-Free”. We Think He Is Right.

Being child-free is a valid and personal choice, but it’s important to be mindful of how you communicate that to others. A netizen recently asked, Am I the jerk for telling my BIL it’s cringe to continue saying he’s child-free whenever I ask him to watch my son? Read on to know what people think. …

Woman Snapped As Sister Served Their Baby’s Smashed Cake To The Guests. Says, “It’s Gross” But Sister Thinks It’s NOT.

The tradition of smash cakes has gained traction in recent years, as parents look for creative and memorable ways to celebrate their child’s first birthday. A userasked, Am I wrong for refusing to eat a “smash cake”? Backstory Yesterday was the Original Poster’s (OP) nephew’s 1st birthday, and OP’s sister and brother-in-law (BIL) had a…

Mom Assumes Son Is Gay, Laughs Out Loud. He Says, “I’m Straight; That’s Not Funny”. She Asks If She Did Anything Wrong.

Coming out is a unique and challenging experience for many people. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, and what is helpful for one person may not be helpful for another. The most important thing is to do what is right for you and to seek support from others during this process. But what if your trusted…

Sister-in-Law Demands Limiting Brother-in-Law’s Access To Her Not-Yet-Born Baby. Says, “He Only Dates For Physical Intimacy”. Asks If She Is Wrong.

People’s opinions and perspectives are influenced by their unique experiences and beliefs. While we may not always agree with others, it is important to approach differences respectfully and with an open mind in order to promote understanding and productive dialogue. A user in a forum asked, “Am I wrong for wanting to limit my brother-in-law’s (BIL) access…

She Makes Negative Comments About Friend’s Girlfriend, Then Calls Her “Disgusting”. Now, Asks For An Apology. Is She Jealous?

How do you feel about the potential for friends to cross boundaries with romantic partners? A user asked, Am I wrong for telling my best friend his gf is disgusting? Backstory The Original Poster (OP) (22F) has been friends with Danny (22m) since high school, and he recently moved in with his current girlfriend, Lucy…

Husband Keeps “Parroting” Wife’s Words, She Snaps. Thinks He Is Right!

Husband and wife relationship is the most tricky one. You might not like something your partner does but does that mean you can can call them names? A user asked, Am I wrong for parroting what my wife says to me back at her? Backstory It is the Original Poster’s (OP) 11th anniversary tonight. OP…

Sister-in-Law Snaps As Brother’s Girlfriend Comments on Lack of Parenting Skill. Says, “It’s Easy When You Don’t Have Kids”. Did She Do Anything Wrong? We Don’t Think So!

Saying something mean can never be justified or can it be? A user asked, Am I wrong for saying it’s easy to be a perfect mom when you don’t have kids to someone infertile? Backstory The Original Poster (OP) (28F) has a 2-year-old son. OP’s brother, “Tommy” (25M), has been dating “Giana” (22F) for a…

Woman Asks Breastfeeding Coworker, “What Would Happen If I Drank Your Breast Milk?” Gets Ridiculed. Did She Cross the Line?

Carelessly chosen words can alter the meaning of sentences and damage relationships permanently! A netizen recently asked, “Am I a jerk for asking my coworker what would happen if I drank her breast milk?”. We need to hear your thoughts on the matter! BACKSTORY The Original Poster’s (OP’s) (20F) coworker, Kate, had a baby a…

Girlfriend Refuses to Share Family Recipe with Boyfriend’s Mom. Says, “You Told Me I’m Not Family”. Is This Smart or A Jerk Move?

Sometimes, certain words from some people can bother us so much that they tend to cling to our memories forever! A netizen recently asked, “Am I a jerk for not sharing a family recipe with someone who doesn’t consider me family?”. Let us know what you think in the comments section! BACKSTORY The Original Poster…

Paralyzed Woman Responds to Intrusive Questions About Medical Condition with Equally Disgusting Personal Questions. Would You Call It Tit For Tat Or A Jerk Move?

Nobody has the right to feel entitled to know someone else’s medical history!  An internet user asked, “Am I a jerk for asking personal questions when a woman demanded information on my condition?”. We need your opinion on the matter! BACKSTORY The Original Poster (OP) (49F) was at a state fair yesterday, and this woman…