Ex-Boyfriend’s and His Family Pester Girlfriend For Not Informing That Their Son Passed Away. We Think She Should Cut Them Off, What Do You Think?

The loss of a newborn baby is a profound tragedy, but it becomes even more agonizing when a mother is left to endure this immense grief without the support of her partner, who has vanished without a trace. A user asked the forum, Am I wrong for not trying harder to let my ex know…

Neighbor Demands He Stops Smoking Pot In His Balcony. Says, “My Children Can See You”. Is This Fair?

While good neighbors can be a true blessing, unfortunate circumstances can lead to the opposite. A user took forum to ask Am I wrong for smoking weed on my deck?. Read the complete story to know who is wrong here. BACK STORY The Original poster was a 24-year-old male. He lives next to the couple…

Mother-in-Law Angry As Daughter-in-Law Lied To Her About The Baby’s Gender. Gets Her Embarassed In A Party. Is This Right?

Revealing the gender of a baby can be a joyful occasion, but it’s essential to embrace and accept whatever the future holds. Placing undue emphasis on one gender over the other can lead to unnecessary stress and conflict. A user took the forum to ask Am I wrong for “lying” to my MIL about the…

She Excluded Her Hindu Friend From Birthday Celebrations, Says “She Could Only Eat Sides”. Friend Is Upset. Should She Be?

It’s understandable to want to serve food that you enjoy at your own birthday party. However, it’s important to be considerate of your guests’ dietary needs and preferences. Excluding someone from your party because you think they won’t like the food is not only disrespectful but could also be hurtful. The Original Poster Hosts A…

Boyfriend Argues After Finding Out That Girlfriend Kept The Home Ownership A Secret. Says, “You Betrayed Me”. Did She?

Being in a relationship and living together are two different things, there can be differences that come and up spoil the entire relationship. A user took to the forum and asked, “Am I wrong for not telling my boyfriend I own the house I live in?”. Let’s look at the top responses. Backstory: The Original…

Boyfriend Demands His Girlfriend Work On Laptop, and Give Up Home Office. Says, “I Need It For Gaming For A Few Hours”. Netizens Are Divided, What Do You Think?

Often, when you’re living with a partner, it becomes reasonably necessary for the two of you to find a middle-ground solution to almost everything. But what do you do when what you think is a ‘fair compromise’ is nothing but an unjustifiable deal in your partner’s eyes?  An internet user recently asked, Am I a…

Boyfriend Makes ‘FUN’ of His Girlfriend For Inviting Only 2 Friends. Says, “I Was Just Making An Observation”. Is He Being A Jerk?

Is the number of friends someone has something to brag about? Especially for a 25-year-old adult male? Well, you’re not imagining things. We have a story about just such an incident for you today. Recently, an internet user asked, Am I a jerk for “making fun” of my girlfriend’s lack of friends? Backstory OP (25M)…

Husband Refuses To Make The House Alcohol-Free To Help Wife In Recovery. Says, “When She Drank, She Did and I Never Said Anything”. Thinks He Is Supportive Enough, But Is He?

Alcoholism can be a devastating disease, and quitting can be a long and difficult process. It is important to have the support of loved ones during recovery, but how much would you be willing to change to help someone else stay sober? We encountered one such incident where a husband asks if he is a…

Couple Snaps As His Sister Declines To Be A Bridesmaid. Says, “You’re Exaggerating Your Work Situation”. Is This Fair?

In today’s world, some jobs offer a great deal of flexibility, while others are demanding and require long hours. First responders, such as fire marshals, often have to prioritize their work duties over their personal lives. An internet user recently asked, Am I a jerk for declining to be a bridesmaid in my brother’s wedding?…

Friends Angry As Father Gets A Treat Meal For Picky-Eater Son At Their Dinner Party. We Think They’re Right.

A user asked the forum, “Am I a jerk  for leaving dinner to get my son McDonald’s, even though the food was served?” BACK STORY  The original poster’s (OP) wife’s friend invited his family over for dinner with him and his daughter. As long as they have known him, this friend has kept to a…