Travel is a wonderful way to broaden one’s horizons and experience new cultures. However, it can also be a time of indulgence, with tempting cuisines and endless opportunities to overeat. For some people, this can lead to weight gain and other health problems.

A user took to the forum and asked, will I be a jerk for imposing a diet on my wife if she wants to travel with me? And wants to hear from you.
What Does OP Say

According to the Original Poster (OP), his friends have invited him to Japan to teach ESL, and he will apply through the proper channels this upcoming autumn. He says, “I meet and, in fact, exceed the qualifications, so I’m not worried about that, but I know Japan has a specific culture that looks down upon overweight people.”
What Is OP Doing?

OP has already started to lose weight (30 lbs down in 3 months!) in preparation because he wants to be accepted within what society desires in Japan.
His Wife Can Come With Him

His wife can come with him; she can apply for a specific Visa to live with her spouse while they work. OP says, “I want her to come with me, she wants to come with me, but I want to get her to lose weight with me, and I’m not sure if I’d be a jerk for imposing a diet if she’s to come with me.”
To Give You An Idea

To give an idea, OP is currently 240lbs and 6’0″; she’s 260lbs and 5’9″. OP wants to tell her if she can get to 200lbs by Christmas, he’ll let her go with him.
What do people have to say:
Obviously, You’re Mistaken

“Let her come with you – Dude, the options are she can choose to come, or she divorces you.”
She Can Divorce You

“What is this, some bribe? “Drop sixty pounds, or I’m moving across the country, and you can’t come!”
If you want to lose weight, that’s on you, but don’t you dare try to impose your views onto her and don’t threaten to leave her behind if she doesn’t.”
Keep This Up

“Keep this up, and she will be your ex-wife and probably happier for it.”
You’re Controlling

“You are a jerk. I spent two weeks in Japan when I was 5’3” and 265lbs. I had no problem with anything. You’re wrong, controlling, and a jerk”
He Is Manipulating Her

“His whole line about “a specific culture” is stupid anyway. He looks down on her for being overweight and sees this as his golden opportunity to manipulate her into losing weight0 and to punish her if she doesn’t.”
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This article was originally published on Mrs. Daaku Studio.