Mom Mocks Son’s Teacher After Learning The Reason For Son’s Detention. Says “That’s A Ridiculous Reason!” What Do You Think?

While conversing, a ridiculous response can lead to laughter. An internet user asked, “Am I a jerk for laughing at why my son was given detention and not agreeing to it?”. We need you to find out! BACKSTORY  The Original Poster (OP) (36F) has a son (11M) in 6th grade we’ll call “Preston” who has…

Sister Plans To Snitch On 13-Year-Old Sibling And Tell Their Mum About Her “Stick And Poke Tattoo.” Says, “It’s An Indication For Greater Trouble!” Is She Taking It Too Far?

Tattling on your siblings is generally not a good practice. But what if you’re only trying to be responsible? An internet user asked, “Am I a jerk to tell my mom that my 13-year-old sister got a stick and poke tattoo on her finger?”. Here’s the whole story for your context! BACKSTORY  The Original Poster…

Dad Pulls Strings For Daughter’s College Application But Refuses To Help Girlfriend’s Son. Says, “It Would Be Incredibly Weird!” Is This Acceptable?

Is using your connections to get a supposedly unfair advantage over others okay, according to you? A netizen recently asked, “Am I a jerk for only pulling strings for my daughter’s college application and not my girlfriend’s son?”. Let us know what you think in the comments section! BACKSTORY  The Original Poster’s (OP’s) daughter and…

Mother Confused As Daughter Decides To Stay Over At Dad’s Untill School Is Over. Says, “Why Should I Change Schools, Change It For Step-Siblings”. We Think She Is Right.

Demanding a child compromise on a major life decision just to make things easier for you is selfish and unacceptable. An internet user asked, “Am I a jerk for trying to get my daughter to switch schools?”. We need to hear your thoughts. Backstory OP and her ex share custody of their 12-year-old daughter, Kelly….

Husband Annoyed As Wife Serves Cold Leftovers. Says, “You’re Creating Problems During My Birthday Month”. Thinks He Is Right.

Couples should uphold a mutual standard of dignity and respect in their interactions.  A user asked, Am I wrong for not serving my husband leftovers? We want to hear from you. Backstory: The Original Poster (OP) has been off for four days. So she finally had a chance to do some spring cleaning. OP deep-cleaned…

Sister Steals Brother’s Social Security Number, Latter Files an FIR. Everyone Thinks He Is A Jerk, Do You?

Taking money from a family member without their consent is a betrayal of trust that can severely damage the relationship. A user asked the forum,  Am I wrong if I charged my sister with a felony? BACK STORY  The original poster ( OP ) had a small grant come in the mail for about $3500. OP…

Colleague Tried To Get Friendly, She Snaps. Says, “You Got The Job Only Because Your Uncle is the CEO”. Asks If She Is Wrong, You Decide.

Workplace interactions can be complex, especially when people from diverse backgrounds and experiences collaborate to achieve a common goal. This can be further challenged by preconceived notions about certain groups or resentment towards those perceived to have more advantages. We wanted to know what you think. A user asked forum, “Am I wrong for telling my…

Mother-in-Law Demands Daughter-in-Law Gets Out Of The House. Says, “Respect Me or Don’t Come”. We Think She Is Right.

The decision to work outside the home or stay home is a personal one, and does not reflect on a woman’s worth. A user asked the forum, “Am I a jerk for demanding respect from my DIL, and if she can’t, then get out.”. Let’s read the complete story to know how is wrong here….

Husband Leaves The Wife At The Party As She Was Making Him Late. Texts Husband Horrible Things Throughout. We Think She Is Wrong!

If my partner kept delaying our trip at the last minute, making it impossible for us to go, I would be very disappointed and frustrated. I would need to have a serious conversation with them to understand why they were doing this and to see if it was something we could work through together. An…

Teacher Invites All The 1st Graders to a Barbecue Except One. Says, “He Didn’t Earn ALL Good Noodle Stickers”. Thinks It’s FAIR. Is It?

Teachers often have to make difficult decisions about how to reward or discipline their students. One such decision is whether or not to invite all students to a class barbecue. Some teachers believe that it is important to include all students, regardless of their behavior. A user asked, Am I wrong for not inviting all…