Most people want a high-paying job but don’t realize the workload and risk behind it. A user asked the forum, “What are some jobs that pay high because most people don’t want to do them?”. Here are the common responses.

“Septic tank service.”

“Tower climber and oil rig worker.”

“Trauma and crime scene cleaning.”

“Bricklaying, laboring, concrete work, different types of nursing, shearing, roofing in both hot and freezing weather, shoveling, and several positions at meat processing plants.”

“Those diagnostic jobs on the high-rise steel column that involve changing lights, etc. You do it once per half year or quarterly, but it is dangerous.”

“There is a guy in my guard unit who is like 22 or 23 old, making six figures easily repairing power lines. It’s tough and risky, but the pay is good.”

“Plumbing. Nobody wants to crawl under a wet, dripping sink contorting his body trying to undo corroded screws and bolts.”

“Mortuary transportation, you have to collect human remains when the person passes away, put them in a body bag, and transport them to the funeral home or wherever they need to go. Excellent pay, but it’s difficult and dirty work, not to mention the mental toll it takes.”

“Garbage man. I have a childhood friend whose dad was making $80k being a garbage man in the mid-90s.”

“In the coming years, as many experienced people leave their trades. It’s going to be the trades across the board. Carpenters, plumbing, electrical, concrete workers, truckers, and farmers.”

“Water system technician. The best-paying but most challenging job I ever had. I worked for my municipality doing water quality checks and system inspections along with the same for swimming pools (public and private). It’s great and fun but also super politicized and demoralizing.
No one wants to work it because it’s solitary and oscillates between mundane and dangerous chaos. Retention was so low. I was considering becoming an aged veteran after a mere five years.”

“Surveying. It’s not that people don’t want to do it per se, but that most people forget that it’s even a thing. Those who pursue it make banks because there just aren’t many.”

“Accounting is a field where most people can do the work, but success depends on enduring the pain. Jobs with immediate life-threatening risks, like electricians, can also be financially rewarding.”

“Nursing, deep sea welding, anything with night shifts.”

“Food service delivery driver. It’s one of the most physically taxing trucking jobs as far as company driving goes.”

“Sanitation workers make bank, and they deserve every penny of it. You’d have to pay me $500,000 a year to get me to do a job like that, but there are few jobs more necessary to keep society functioning than sanitation workers.”

“Doing something in waste treatment or waste management. A family friend went into this; it only requires a technical college degree, which is two years.
He was one of about ten people in his class and immediately found a job, making twice what I do. If I had known that, I would’ve gone into that instead of my useless four-year college degree.”

“Manufacturing, people think it’s hard work, but it’s honestly hit or miss. I do about 4 hours of work in my 12-hour shift. I earn grossly $100k. It’s a ‘have your cake and eat it’ scenario.
Also, look at companies with high revenue; they have more to pay employees. Small companies may offer lower salaries. My company was worth $13 Billion and made $10 Billion in revenue in 2022.”

“Tower climbers travel to remote areas, set up camp for a few days/weeks, and live out of our tiny trailer in the sticks while doing setup or repairs. These guys are tough. They face challenges like swarms of bees and territorial birds. Spending long hours on a ladder is tough on the feet.
A good day is nice; a bad day is awful. Be careful before you pick this career; it is not for everyone. You have to have a certain amount of cowboy spirit, and for the right people, it rocks.”

“Mariner. You’re just getting paid to be away from home.”

“High rise window cleaners do well, depending on the company and city. Especially if you can get in the Union, and it’s safer than it looks; I’d rather hang 40 stories on a rope than 40 feet on a ladder.”
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This article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.