There are many professions that play essential roles in our society, but they are often unfairly criticized for things that are out of their control. A user took the forum and asked which profession unfairly gets a bad reputation. and here are the top picks:
1. Gastroenterologists

“Gastroenterologists get a bad rap because its gross, and who would want to spend time there? But these guys save lives.” said one.
“My gastroenterologist understands most of his patients come to him with terrible anxiety & depression. The gut is the second brain. So he discusses good mental health hygiene as well as customized diets. Sincerely, the most patient, calm, exhaustively thorough doctor I’ve ever had.” another said.
2. Janitors

“Give them respect, people, unless you want to empty your trash and clean your own work or school space.” said one.
“I’m a teacher, and the janitors were the first people I befriended at the school. They keep that place running. I made a point to learn about them, things they like, etc., and on Custodian Appreciation Day and Christmas, I get them a little as my way of saying thanks.” another said.
3. Plumbers

“People always assume they’re gross greasy old dudes, but they’re highly skilled professionals.” a user said. “Plumbers and electricians- have to have a lot of knowledge about what they’re doing!” said another.
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4. Embalmers

“Thankless job people think they are creepy, but who else would do that?” said one.
“Embalmer here. People assume we’re creepy/morbid/obsessed with death when they hear embalmer. And while it’s true sometimes, overall, we’re a (relatively) average bunch with the unique gift of somehow being able to classify the horrific things we see daily healthily.” shared one.
5. Zookeepers

“Most people who have encountered them, avoid them because they always stink so effing bad, but they’re friendly people.” a user said.
“They work with animals who roll in their piss and get paid next to nothing for it. They deserve more respect.” another said.
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6. Social workers

“We are underfunded, understaffed civil servants attempting to help populations of individuals with multiple overlapping problems (poor, mentally ill, criminal records, substance use issues) get their lives back on track.
The people others walk by on the sidewalk or avoid eye contact with on the subway; we seek them out and try to help them, and usually, no one is happy with what we have to offer—also red tape…. a lot of government red tape.” a user said.
7. Dishwashers

“Nobody thinks to credit the dishwasher for having a well ran the restaurant, but when we need ours, things start to slow down a lot. Our dishwasher gets paid $22 an hour, but he works pretty hard, helps us clean the tables when we’re short at the front, and he’s constantly helping sort/unpack inventory when it comes in.
It’s almost unfair just to call him a dishwasher.” said one.
8. Customer service agent

“Customer service is a torment to work in. Neither the customers nor the company values them.” said one.
9. Airline employees

“I frequently fly, so I get to witness passenger meltdowns. In almost every situation, the passengers’ mess, misunderstanding, or shadiness got them in their predicament.” a user said.
“Sorry, but 90% of problems, the passenger got into it, or it’s entirely out of the airline’s control. We can’t control the weather, and when we tell you it’s an ATC delay, that is not code for anything; that’s really what is happening. I can’t take off without permission and a time slot.” another said.
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10. Working At Fast Food

“I’ve worked fast food, and it’s harder than most jobs. It’s why it’s usually geared towards young teens because they don’t know better. People over 20 typically don’t work there as they have enough work experience to see the work is too hard for what they pay..” said one.
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This article originally appeared on Mrs Daaku Studio.