Like the professional world, what if ‘interviews’ were also a thing in dating lives?
A user recently asked, What is a good question to ask before you start dating someone? And as usual, the answers were so on point!
Don’t believe us? See it for yourself:
Are you married?

“I would ask that. If they said no, the next question was, “Would your wife agree?”If they laughed, they were telling the truth. If they got indignant and irritated that I thought they were lying…they were married. Worked every time.” Said one.
“And if someone ever tells you it’s OK to date because they’re in an open marriage, check with their spouse because it may be news to them.” Another added.
Do You Clap When The Plane Lands?

“I swear people used to do this all the time when I was a kid (early 2000s), and I don’t think I’ve heard anyone do it in 5+ years. I guess 9/11 made people afraid of flying for about ten years, and then most folks decided they didn’t need to applaud when the plane landed safely?”
Do You Want Kids In The Future?

“Do you want kids in the future? If one person wants kids and the other wants to stay child-free, they are incompatible. And it is better to try dating someone else.” Said one.
“My ex and I discussed this at the beginning of our relationship. I was pretty hardline on no kids. She brought it up again a year later, and we parted ways because I still didn’t want kids, and she said she stayed in the relationship with me because she thought I’d change my mind.”
What Temperature Do You Set The Thermostat To Throughout The Year?

“Haha, this one always gets me as someone who needs low temps – you can always put on more clothes; I can’t peel my skin off to get cooler.” Said one.
“That is an excellent question! I bet this could cause arguments if someone likes it hot and someone else likes it cold” OP replied.
When was the last time you changed your mind about something?

“When was the last time you changed your mind about something? Opens a window to how they think,” Said one.
“I like this one. Maybe add, how hard was it for you to change a habit you wanted to change?” Another added.
Do You Like Dogs?

“Do you like dogs?” But you have to say it like Brad Pitt in Snatch,” Said one.
“Can confirm. This is a valid question and should be asked in Mickey O’Neil’s voice!! If the reference is understood by her/him/they/alien, they are a keeper!”
What Are Your Hobbies?

“Aside from significant differences about finances, kids, politics, or religion, a big one is; What are your hobbies? If they don’t have any, you may be the next hobby, which isn’t going to work unless you’ve got that kind of time.
If the hobbies are time-consuming ones generally done with a SO, but you have no interest in them, that could also be an issue.
If only one of you likes camping, wanted to spend vacation lounging instead of exploring, didn’t like sports, etc, either that partner is annoyed, or the other feels like they don’t get to enjoy what they love.”
How Was Your Past Dating Life?

“Ask them about their exes. If they think every one of them is a jerk…they are likely the real jerk.” Said one.
“Anytime I meet a guy who calls all his exes crazy, that’s a wrap.” Another added.
Do you like Kung Fu Panda ?

“For me, I would ask if they like jack black. Nothing wrong with him, but it tells you a lot about what kind of humor they like,” said one.
“Agree! I think Kung Fu Panda is the best representation of his career. Surprisingly, my second favorite movie for him is not a Comedy. It’s The Big Year!” Another added.
How’s Your Relationship With Your Parents?

“How’s your relationship with your parents? This speaks volumes about many people.” Said one.
“Or it speaks volumes about the parents and childhood experience, which can leave a lasting influence on someone.” Another added.
Do You Smoke?

“Do you smoke?” Said one.
“Can some non-smokers not tell if someone smokes? Even when I was a pack-a-day smoker, I could smell the smoke on someone, and now that I am switched to a vaporizer, it’s even more apparent to me.” Another added
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This article originally appeared here.