Fat shaming is the act of mocking, ridiculing, or otherwise discriminating against a person because of their weight. It is a form of body shaming, and it can have serious negative consequences for the victim’s mental and physical health.
An internet user asked, Am I a jerk for fat-shaming my friend’s autistic boyfriend? Tell us what you think in the comments section!

OP’s mom and stepdad had to go see her grandparents because of some emergency so it was just OP (19f) and her twin siblings (8f, 8m).
What Did OP Do

OP had planned on inviting two friends and her parents said she still could. So, they came. One of OP’s friends brought her boyfriend, Mike. She usually doesn’t mind, the more the merrier, but she’s not a fan of his.
OP says, “He’s kind of a jerk and blames it on his autism. But IDK, I’m not really educated on all that.”
What Happened When OP’s Friends Came Over?

Anyways, OP’s sister was playing in their playroom but her brother was bored and wanted attention. He’s really into having abs and muscles and being strong right now and he does gymnastics and all that so he was doing cartwheels and stuff till he got a little dizzy.
He sat on OP’s lap and started showing her his arms and asked if his muscles got bigger. He’s 8, so he still has little arms but OP said “OMG they’re totally getting bigger!”.
Mike’s Indecent Behavior

Mike randomly interrupted to go “Nah man, you got noodle arms…”
OP’s brother didn’t really catch what he said so he just brushed him off but OP was upset. She discreetly told him to shut up. But Mike was all like “What? I’m just telling the truth, he has to do a lot more than that to get some real muscles, a noodle kid.”
He Went Out Of His Line

OP reminded him that her brother is 8, but he said that his age is irrelevant here.
OP’s brother then decided to show them another gymnastics move, OP thinks it’s a roundoff. But he did it and they all clapped for him. Except, of course, Mike.
He went “That was anticlimactic.” He continued with, “No offense but this is the most unimpressive kid ever. Get outta here with your skinny self!”
OP Lost Her Patience

OP was honestly so frustrated at this point that she sarcastically said “I’d like to see your fat self try to do what he did.”
He immediately got upset and his girlfriend gasped like OP said something outrageous.
What Does OP Say?

OP says, “Where was her horror when her BF was insulting my kid brother? But Mike got all up in my face about being a jerk before leaving.
His girlfriend told me that I went too far especially since I know he has autism and that she can’t believe I fat-shamed him when he isn’t even that fat. “Besides, he isn’t wrong AND your brother’s annoying.” My other friend that was there told me that she thinks he was rude but I did too much.”
Good On You For Defending Your Brother

“Reading the post title, I went into this thinking you’d be the jerk for sure. But nope. Not a jerk at all. Good on you for defending your brother from that bully.
Signed, An autistic person who knows that autism is not a free pass to be a jerk without consequences.”
Mike Is Extremely Childish

“Not the jerk, mate. Mike is extremely childish. He’s bullying an 8 yr old child but when he gets insulted he cannot take it? Nah, Mike can dish it but can’t take it.”
Who Lets A 19-Year-Old Bully An 8-Year-Old?

“Not the jerk, Autistic or not, who the hell stands by and lets a 19yo bully an 8yo. You did the right thing, Sis. As if things aren’t hard enough for Mike, he’s going to make the wrong comment to the wrong person and it will be more than being called fat. I hate it for the guy, but the real world is going to hit him like a ton of bricks.
Also if I’m mom or stepdad, Mike isn’t allowed back in my house. Period. If a friend doesn’t like it, she can stay out too.”
You Probably Shouldn’t Respond By Calling Him Fat

“Not the jerk mostly because of how out of order he was to begin with. But you probably shouldn’t respond by calling him fat; it’s not really about him, but you are then teaching your brother that fat is an insult and thin people are better.”
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This article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.