Kids can be extremely messy at times and can annoy the hell out of you. Of course, not everyone has the mental capacity to deal with that, especially when they’re not related to the kid in any manner! This incident we encountered online shall make you think along those lines.
An internet user asked, “Am I a jerk for reporting a mother and her glitter monster to a flight attendant?”. We need to hear your thoughts.

Original Poster, OP had a situation that happened to him on a long-haul flight yesterday and he needs your verdict.
OP’s Row Mates In The Flight

OP had paid for an aisle seat in the main cabin extra because of his long legs. It was a packed flight, and OP’s row-mates were a mother (late 30’s) with a young child (maybe 5 or 6). They brought a bunch of arts and crafts to keep the kid busy – things like glue sticks, markers, paper, and craft sticks.
OP says, “Sounds cute, right? Well, not when the glitter came out.”
The Glitter Godzilla

The child, let’s call her Glitter Godzilla (GG), was making a mess, and since she was in the middle seat, the glitter would spill over onto OP’s side. If you remember glitter from elementary school, it’s messy as hell if you try attaching it to paper. There’s a lot of shake and most of it doesn’t stick.
OP Was ALL Glittery In No Time

So yeah the glitter and marks from the glue stick rolling off the gray table were everywhere – on OP’s shoes, his backpack, and his jeans.
OP is usually patient and understands kids can be messy, but this felt crazy. OP tried catching the mom’s eye, hoping she’d step in. But she just gave OP a blank look like “This is how it is.”
OP’s Next Move

OP is not confrontational so when he got up to use the bathroom, he quietly shared the situation with a flight attendant. She promised to address it discreetly.
The Mother’s Excuse

When OP got back to his seat, the mother was frustrated.
“Idk what the flight attendant said but the mom claimed I was being discriminatory against mothers, and since the flight was delayed, she was just trying to keep her child entertained”, says OP.
The Mother’s Indecent Remarks

Then the mother started raising her voice, accusing OP of being “A selfish man with no understanding of children”. All this despite the fact that OP’s lower half now looks bedazzled.
There were no other seats available, so OP was stuck the rest of the flight with this lady’s verbal attacks. The flight attendants gave OP looks of sympathy but didn’t want to step in. Of course, the mother gave OP a final “Screw you” as they deplaned.
OP’s Thoughts

OP travels a lot and this was his worst experience ever. Not to mention it was pretty embarrassing in the airport. Not that he can blame people for taking notice.
“Am I a jerk here? Was I wrong to get some help in dealing with what felt like a glitter assault? Should I have just swallowed it and become a human art project?”, asks OP.
You Did Nothing Wrong

“Not the jerk. Listen. I love glitter, I want to sparkle all the time. I would bathe in glitter if it wasn’t so bad for everything. HOWEVER, glitter crafts are not for the public.
It is the herpes of craft supplies and should be kept at home where everyone consents to be covered in glitter. You did nothing wrong. That mother was a giant entitled jerk.”
The Flight Attendants Should’ve Been More Involved

“Not the jerk. I’m non-confrontational too, and I would have been so scared sitting next to someone who was yelling and cursing at me. I’m surprised the flight attendant didn’t do more to diffuse the situation if one passenger was yelling at another one.”
Crafting Is Not An Appropriate Activity For A Plane Ride

“Not the jerk. While it’s excellent for parents to keep their kids occupied on planes and bring things for them to do, they should also make sure the activities aren’t going to be too bothersome or messy for other passengers or the flight crew. Glue and glitter aren’t appropriate crafts for a plane ride.”
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This article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.