Sisters are our closest confidantes and play a vital role in our lives.

However, if they are social media influencers, they may prioritize capturing content over enjoying the moment. This is why it is essential to set boundaries during important events like weddings.

What Happened 

Wedding decoration
Image Credit; Deposit Photos

A user took to the forum and asked, “Am I wrong for kicking my sister out of my engagement dinner because she wouldn’t stop taking photos and making a scene?” We want to know what you think.


wedding lavish
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The Original Poster (OP) is getting married to the love of her life. OP’s engagement party was booked at an upscale restaurant.

The day prior, OP sat her sister down and told her that OP wanted the party to be focused on the wedding. OP did not want her sister to go above and beyond to take photos for her social media page.

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What Did OP Fear?

wedding bride upset
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OP says her sister is really trying hard to become famous online. She has never said anything to her sister because she’s an adult, and it’s her life. However, OP wanted to avoid that taking over at the party.

What Does OP Say

two girlfriends striped t-shirts with sunglasses pink background. High quality photo
Image Credits: Deposit Photos

According to OP, she does not stop at taking a few photos to post. OP’s sister becomes this embarrassing (IMO) caricature of the perpetually online influencer.

For example, She’ll order two dishes at a restaurant: one to take photos of because it’s prettier and the second to eat. She’s stopped traffic before to take outfit photos in the street. She’s also staged “fake” things to post online (once, she started crying in a Starbucks and made a fake story about how the barista bullied her).

All OP wanted was for OP’s sister doesn’t embarrass her.

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What Happened Next?

Two agressive women having argue fight being mad at each other. Female violance concept.
Image Credits: Deposit Photos

At the party, OP’s sister stood on her chair to take top-down photos of her meal.

What Else Happened

sisters fighting
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Everyone stared in shock, and a waiter had to ask her to sit down. OP’s sister refused to and loudly argued with the waiter, saying she was the bride’s sister (OP). Then, she started to loudly cry that she was being bullied.

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What Did OP Do?

Two agressive women having argue fight being mad at each other. Female violance concept.
Image Credits: Deposit Photos

OP was mortified and immediately had the groomsmen escort her out of the room. OP’s sister has since blasted OP on social media, calling me an jerk for not handling the situation with more “grace and empathy.” OP’s sister says that OP could have given her a warning instead of kicking her out immediately.

OP says, “I was panicking, so I wonder if I could have handled it better. Am I wrong?”

She Likes Attention

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“She’s an attention addict – and the sort that always makes herself out to be the victim when she knows she was the one who effed up. $20 says she finds a way to pull this type of stuff at your wedding if she attends.”

You Are NOT A Jerk

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“Not wrong, and I would take this as a sign to disinvite her from the wedding. Her lack of self awareness and respect means she’s a ticking time bomb.

Of course, she’ll probably make a video of her crying about how “my sister kicked me out of her wedding for now reason!” But that’s better than her pulling something while you’re walking down the aisle or cutting the cake.

Alternatively, you could confiscate her phone and tell the other guests not to lend her theirs under any circumstances, but I wouldn’t risk it”

That’s Rude

Image Credits: pathdoc, Shutterstock

“The waiter asking her to sit down was her warning. Getting kicked out was a natural consequence.

I mean if she had been standing on a chair to get the perfect pic of the happy couple for you, maybe I’d give her a pass. But fighting over a pic of her food and drawing attention away from the occasion? That’s rude”

Take Her Phone

Image Credits: Nicoleta Ionescu, Shutterstock

“I suggest that if she attends your wedding, it’s under the condition that she give up any device with a camera & access to social media to an agreed-upon third party for the duration of the event. If she screams about bullying for being asked to stop acting out in public, I won’t put it past her to make a scene on purpose the day of your nuptials.”

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This article was originally published on Mrs. Daaku Studio.

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