A woman inherits a large sum of money from her grandmother. Her boyfriend, who is not well-off, suddenly expects her to pay for everything, from their dates to their rent. The woman is not comfortable with this arrangement, and she is not sure what to do.
An internet user asked, Am I a jerk for telling my boyfriend he isn’t entitled to my inheritance? Read on to get the gist of the matter, and don’t forget to drop your views below!

OP’s grandpa passed away a few months ago, and she inherited a little over $4 million from his estate. OP had no idea he had that much money and was honestly not expecting to receive anything, as she assumed it would all go to her mom.
What Did OP Do

After OP got over the initial shock, she took the opportunity to finally quit her job (which she really hated), as she doesn’t have any outstanding debts and can easily live off $40,000 a year.
What Does OP Say

OP says, “I’m pretty introverted and am more than happy to stay at home working on art/music/other interests and gaming.”
What’s Happening Ever Since OP Inherited The Money?

Since OP inherited the money, her boyfriend has been pressuring her to cover all the rent and utilities (about $1200 a month) for their apartment and start putting money away into a joint savings fund.
What Did OP Say

OP says, “I would be happy to do this if we were married, but we’re not. We’ve only been dating for a year and a half, and I would prefer to keep our finances separate.”
OP Still Pay Her Half

Despite not working anymore, OP still pays her half of the rent every month and has started paying for a housekeeper to come in and clean a few times a week, so their apartment is nearly always spotless and looks great.
What Does OP Say?

OP says, “I told my boyfriend he isn’t entitled to my money and he said I was being selfish for expecting him to still contribute to the rent when I could easily afford to pay for the whole thing. Am I the jerk?”
Be Wary Of Marrying Him

“Not the jerk. As you’re not married – I’d be very wary of marrying him though at this stage if this is his instant reaction to your finances.
Get Legal Advice

Get some urgent legal advice on the precise law where you are regarding locking up your money into a trust with named beneficiaries (you and any future children), cohabit agreements, common law marriage (if it exists where you are) and anything else which a decent lawyer will know.”
Start Talking About Finances If You’re Planning To Marry

“Everyone is wrong here, just my opinion, don’t take it to heart. If you’ve been with him for a year and a half and he’s never asked for more money, he’s not a gold digger. If you two live together already, you should be a team. He shouldn’t be asking for you to pay everything and putting money in a joint account, but if you are planning to marry this guy someday I think y’all should start talking about financially building a future together.
You planning to just live off the money and not work is a little selfish. He’s busting himself to pay his half, you’re just using your dead grandpa’s money so you don’t have to bust yourself.”
It’s Time To Decide If It’s Long Term Or Not

“You’re the jerk. I’ll get rocks thrown but whatever. If I came upon 4 million I bet you my bf wouldn’t pay a single dollar on our rent. I could understand if it was something significantly expensive, but with 4 million, 600 per month is pretty much nothing for you, but it can be really big for him.
If you’re in it for the long haul… maybe he wants the occasion to pay off his debts? Not be a slave to a job he doesn’t like either? Have a change of career? I mean at this point I think it’s pretty much time to decide if it’s long-term or not. If it is, yeah I don’t think this is fair.”
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This article was originally published on Mrs. Daaku Studio.