To all the men out there, what’s your reason behind growing a beard? A netizen recently asked, “Why do you have a beard?” Below are the top responses.
No Strong Chin Plus Feels Regal
“I don’t have a strong chin.
Plus, it’s starting to get these long white hairs as I age so it makes me feel regal.”
Beard Makes Me Look Younger
“I look about 14 years old if I shave. Plus, the military told me how to look the whole time I was in, and now that I’m not, I get to decide and I decided shaving is awful and I don’t wanna do it anymore.”
The Beard Hides My Double Chin
“I have a double chin. It’s slight but always been there. Even when I weighed 135 pounds at 6’3″, it was there. The beard effectively hides it and makes my face appear narrower.
I am currently the daddy of a 12-year-old little girl. She tells me that the boys in her school think I am scary. I like to encourage that sentiment. Beard isn’t going anywhere.”
Beards Are The Makeup For Men
“Beards are the makeup for men”, said one.
“Exactly! I can outline my jaw structure and accent the lips. It really is makeup for men. I work in retail sales in fashion, so keeping it neat and trimmed is a chore but worth it in the end.
I usually keep it at 1.5 – 3 mm but once in a while, I’ll grow it out and get it to an inch or more.”, another added.
Because Of My Niece
“Because I grew a beard and a couple of months later my niece was born. Little kids get scared if you change your face (even glasses) so I never shaved it off. She’s 14 now.”
My Hair Migrated When I Went Bald
“Because as I started going bald in my early 20’s, the hair migrated to fill in my typically patchy beard and I ran with it.”
I Wouldn’t Be Recognized Without It
“I’ve had a beard for a longer time than not having one, About two-thirds of my life. I wouldn’t be recognized without it. I’m not sure if I would recognize myself lol.”
Because My Workplace Required Me To Be Clean Shaven For 7+ Years
“Because I worked somewhere that required me to be clean-shaven for 7+ years. Haven’t shaved clean since I quit there.”
Small Chin, Big Cranium
“Small chin, big cranium. A big beard brings balance to the force.”
My Wife’s Wishes
“My wife told me to grow one and not to shave it. That was 9 years ago. I keep it washed and nice looking, about to the middle of my chest now. The red is starting to turn white though, I’m gonna let it grow till I look like Gandalf.”
Got Older, Styles Changed
“Just got older, styles/taste changed so I grew one. It’d feel weirder to not have one now.”
Shaving Gave Me Acne
“I discovered back in High School that if I didn’t shave, I didn’t get as much acne. Turned out that most of what I thought was acne was actually ingrown hairs from my beard. Dang beard is like fine wire.
Kept it because I like it. My Lady wife loves it.”
Hate Shaving Every Day
“Because my genetics see it fit that I can grow a beard in a week and I hate shaving every day and it makes my wife happy.”
Post Covid Makeover
“Went facial hairless for the first 28 years of life. Then covid hit, decided to try new things (beard was one of them), and now I can’t go back. It looks better and my wife loves it.”
Easier To Manage
“It’s easier to just trim every few weeks than to be constantly thinking about when I need to shave it completely (plus it physically takes less effort to trim than to go clean-shaven).”
A Direct Result Of Religion
“Mine is a direct result of religion. The church I grew up in, had too many rules, and men had to be clean-shaven. When I left the church, I started growing it, in part because I always wanted facial hair and was not allowed.
I am not told what to do anymore. I find it hilarious that even ‘close friends’ from the church avoid me like the plague.”
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