Recently, a an internet user posted on a popular forum how he took revenge on her stepmom. Read the entire story because we want to know if the original post was a little too cruel in his plotting.

The Original Poster (OP) is the only son of his parents. Five years ago, OP’s mom died of ovarian cancer at 55. The death of OP’s mother broke his dad’s heart. OP’s parents had been together since college and were the same age; his dad was a month older.
What Does OP Do Now

OP is now 22 years old and is about to graduate college with his degree in chemistry. OP went to college on a full-ride scholarship.
OP’s dad met his stepmom when she was the nurse of OP’s mother at the hospital where she spent her final days. OP’s stepmom “Grace” played all the right notes to gain his dad’s trust. After OP’s mom passed, Grace was empathetic, nurturing, and comforting to his dad.
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What Happened Next?

OP was seventeen and old enough to sense that she was trying to weasel her way into getting his dad’s resources. Still, it was up to OP’s dad if he wanted to be in a relationship with her. OP was in his final year of public school and had just won a scholarship to attend college out of the country the following year.
OP’s dad mourned his wife for a year, and Grace would check on him by phone every month. In OP’s opinion, she did that to scope out the possibility of sinking her hooks in him.
What Happened Next

After a year passed, Grace took the gloves off and went hard after OP’s dad. Grace was only 40 when she and OP’s dad started seeing each other. OP didn’t like her, but at the same time, he was happy to see that his dad didn’t seem so depressed anymore. Therefore OP tried to be less pessimistic about her. OP had a gut feeling not to trust Grace.
But OP did not tell his father what to do or offer any opinion. Grace was from the Czech Republic. OP’s father was a very successful banker during his career and amassed quite a portfolio of wealth.
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They Got Married, and Then

After six months of dating, Grace and OP’s father got married. OP’s dad never really got over his late wife, though, and he was getting weaker and weaker even though he was only 57.
Since his health was fading, he called OP and asked what he needed to set up in life. OP told him that he didn’t need anything and that he was a man and could care for himself. OP also reminded him that he had living sisters with children (aunts and cousins). He also reminded his dad that he had a full scholarship to college, so he didn’t need to worry about giving him any cash.
OP’s Dad Died

OP’s dad died only a year later at the age of 59.
OP used to watch many Hollywood movies, so he considered the conspiracy theory that maybe his dad’s nurse wife poisoned him and made him sign over all his money to her, but OP didn’t think that’s what happened. Other relatives didn’t like Grace, but they knew that OP’s dad was totally in love with OP’s mom and that her death utterly broke him.
How His Dad Divided The Property And Money

OP’s dad bequeathed his five-bedroom house to OP even though OP wasn’t expecting that and didn’t ask for it. He gave a small endowment to each of his sisters and their children. He left about 80% of all his existing money to Grace, which amounted to several hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Grace tried to put on a friendly front but was angry that she didn’t get the house that belonged to OP, and OP had the legal papers to prove that. She was furious because they lived in a highly upscale and trendy location, and houses were hard to come by and quickly sold for massive profits.
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What Did She Do

She still stayed at the house because she had gotten used to living there over the last three years and acted as if she owned it. And even though OP officially owned it. OP was always away at college and only visited his dad’s old house once every couple of months. Even then, it wasn’t to see Grace but to see his cousins who lived just a few miles away.
OP downplayed that it was really his house, and over the month, Grace gradually forgot that she had no legal right to the house. She probably believed that sooner or later because OP never asked her for any of the hundreds of thousands of his dad’s dollars she had; he was independently wealthy and would just give up his house to her.
What Did Grace Do?

Grace started dating some new guy only five months after OP’s dad was in the ground. One time when he came home from college after graduating, Grace and her new boyfriend named “Ivan” who was only a few years older than OP, acted like OP was a guest in his own house and that they owned it.
OP played along. Grace told OP she gave away OP’s Playstation 4 to Ivan’s cousin because she considered OP too old to play video games. OP didn’t like it.
What Did OP Do

OP quickly changed all his network passwords that same day. OP smiled and knew what he had to do eventually.
Grace also told OP that she and Ivan were getting married because she couldn’t mourn his father forever and had to move on with life.
OP told her that he had graduated college, secured employment with a local firm, and will soon find a new place to live.
Grace looked thrilled. Especially the part where he said he’ll soon have a new place to live. Then in a patronizing way, she told OP that he’ll always have a place in their house, though, and that OP is welcome to stay whenever he wishes.
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OP thanked Grace for being really generous. OP said that he would probably have a new place in three months.
What Did Grace Think

She said the idea was beautiful because she intended to go to her homeland to have a wedding with Ivan and afterward have her honeymoon. She assured OP that it was a local affair; otherwise, she would have invited him. OP congratulated her.
Grace asked OP if he could watch the house for her, and OP agreed.
Grace and her fiance, who OP considered only there for Grace’s money, went on their trip, and OP immediately advertised on rental websites offering to lease his house. OP hired movers and had all Grace’s furniture and possessions boxed up and put into a storage rental facility. OP retained all of his parents’ furniture that they had before his dad met Grace. OP changed all the locks as well.
What Did OP Do

Within days, OP was inundated with dozens of inquiries regarding his amazing, furnished house with fantastic views. OP rented it to a wonderful young family. A barrister and his schoolteacher wife and their two children. They paid him their first and last month’s rent and signed a lease for a year. OP warned them about his crazy stepmom, who thought it was her house.
OP also gave his lawyer the information about the storage facility, including the fact that OP generously paid four months of storage in advance, which is a whole month longer than Grace’s Czech honeymoon adventure.
OP then found a great apartment near his new place of work in the city. There OP met a woman in a restaurant, and they dated for six months and are now engaged to be married.
What Did Grace Do

Grace tried to shriek and cause trouble when she realized she got kicked out of OP’s house, but his lawyer quickly shut her mouth without OP ever having to speak to her again. Grace and her husband left the country, and OP believed they were blowing through his dad’s money and would soon be broke.
What Happened Next

Speaking of money, the house that OP rented out was generating so much cash that he could not only help pay for his cousins’ college, but he moved into a larger apartment of his own, together with his fiancee. He loved his job but could survive solely on renting his dad’s old house.
OP bought another PS4, even though he didn’t use his old one that much. It didn’t matter, and it wasn’t for Grace to give away. OP believed, “You don’t give away other people’s things, and you give away your OWN things.” Which is why he chose to kick Grace out of his house. Because it was OP’s, and he gets to decide who stays there.
Source: Reddit
What do you think? Did the OP went too far, or was he smart to handle it so skillfully? What would you do?
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The article originally appeared on Mrs. Daaku Studio.