As beloved family members, the health and well-being of our pets is paramount. This woman’s commitment to her cat’s health is evident in her decision to feed it only cat food. When her husband’s friend disregarded her wishes and fed the cat human food, her understandable reaction reflected her deep love and concern for her pet.
A user took the forum to ask, “Am I wrong for throwing out my husband’s friend’s food?”. Read the complete story to know who is wrong here.

The original poster’s ( OP ) husband loves his friend, Steve. But OP didn’t like her husband’s friend as he tried to give her cat human food when he visited.
OP Explained

OP has explained it to him many times. OP told Steve not to give her cat human food as the cat was not allowed to take any food rather than the cat’s food.
OP Told Everytime

OP told Steve whenever he came home with food. But Steve never listened to it and persisted in doing it. OP came home the previous day and saw Steve and her husband throwing darts in the garage. Then they went out and returned with some fast food, including a meal for her.

OP went to bring some plates, and when she returned, she saw Steve offering her cat a piece of garlic bread. OP yelled at Steve to stop it.
OP Grabbed His Meal

And OP grabbed his whole meal and dumped it in the trash. Steve got angry and reached for OP’s meal. OP grabbed it away and yelled at Steve to get away from her cat until he learned some manners.

OP’s husband and his friend Steve went to the garage. And OP overheard her husband trying to convince Steve a bit.
But Steve does not listen to it, and he storms out. Steve was angry at OP.
OP’s Husband Is Annoyed

OP’s husband understands why she was angry at Steve when he was trying to feed the cat, but OP’s husband also got annoyed at her behavior and OP’s husband says she had no right to throw out Steve’s meal.
OP doesn’t want to see Steve in her house anytime soon, but at the very least, she doesn’t want him here with any food until he learns to keep it to himself.

“Not a jerk – My boyfriend tried to give our new kitten meat seasoned with garlic the other day, and I barely stopped her from eating it. I had to google it to prove to him that it was poisonous for the kitten. I put my foot down and told him the kitten could never have human food.
Tell your husband how toxic garlic is for cats so he hopefully understands the severity of the situation. If Steve can’t respect your rule regarding the cat, tell them they’ll have to hang out somewhere else if he won’t stop giving human food to the cat.”

“Many people seem to think you overreacted, yet despite Steve’s numerous warnings not to feed your cat, he came dangerously close to doing so.Why does your husband even put up with Steve’s behavior? He constantly disrespects your home by disobeying a straightforward request.
Steve should never be welcome if he can’t understand that he needs to play by YOUR rules in YOUR house. Your husband ought to support you in this.”

“Seriously. Garlic is poisonous to cats and dogs, and not only that, but he’s been told multiple times to cut it out. OP, you have a husband problem, too, if he’s going to keep allowing his friend to do this when you have asked him many times not to.
“But my pet ate it and was fine!” That’s swell. My family dog ate chocolate, coffee, alcohol, grapes, onions, garlic, literally every toxic food known to dogs because he was a disturber and lived without complications to the ripe old age of 17, but he’s in the minority of pets who would be able to digest that stuff.
For most cats and dogs, but especially for cats because they are, on the whole, smaller and therefore don’t need to ingest as much to feel the adverse effects, it can be dangerous and even fatal. Cats are notoriously more susceptible to garlic poisoning than dogs, and ingesting even 1/8 of a teaspoon of garlic may result in your cat’s red blood cells being destroyed. It can lead to organ damage/failure and death.”
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This article was originally published on Mrs. Daaku Studio.