Welfare professions, such as social work and teaching, are essential to the fabric of our society, yet they are often undervalued and underpaid. These professionals work tirelessly to improve the lives of others, but their dedication is not always met with fair compensation. This is a problem that needs to be addressed, as it is preventing us from attracting and retaining the best talent in these important fields.
A users asked, which profession is criminally underpaid? And here are the top picks:
1. Social Workers

Social workers are an underpaid profession despite the hard work and difficult situations. They often face overwhelming caseloads and rugged working conditions.
“High dollar educational costs with licensure for caseloads that are not humanely manageable safely and not enough money to eke out a living.” said one.
“Girlfriend is a social worker who comes home talking about her day. Her average day at work would be the worst day I have ever had. She has her master’s degree, and I do nothing at home. I make significantly more than she does.” another added.
2. Emergency Medical Technicians

Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) are often paid low wages, with some leaving for better-paying jobs. Despite their work’s challenging and dangerous nature, EMTs receive minimal compensation.
“I knew 6 EMTs 5 years ago; zero are still EMTs. One now works at a car wash; she said she gets paid the same, better hours, and no one tries to kill her.” said one.
“My first job in EMS, I was paid $10.30/hour. I’m out of the field now, but I was pretty ticked off when my first raise bumped me to $10.92/hour. Management touted that 6% raise like they were being so generous.” said another.
Read: How To Make Money Fast (For Women)
3. Public Defenders

Public defenders are grossly underpaid compared to their private counterparts, despite carrying overwhelming caseloads and extensive criminal law knowledge.
“I have a private law practice. The public defenders make a fraction of what guys like me to make, know criminal law inside and out, and carry obscene caseloads. The system would break down immediately if they went on strike, which honestly they should.” said one.
“My girlfriend is a public defender, and the amount of stress she’s in at work every day alone should be worth double what she makes.” another said.
4. 911 Dispatchers

911 dispatchers are highly trained and experienced professionals who handle life-or-death situations daily. Yet, they are often classified as secretarial personnel and paid low wages. The job’s stress and risks deserve fair compensation.
“We have to listen to people die on our phone lines, and in some states, are still classified as secretarial personnel. With over ten years of experience, certifications are coming from my ears. I don’t break 40k a year unless I pull massive amounts of overtime.
We lost three of our people to COVID last year and are running at less than half capacity for the whole place; we can’t hire anyone to stay because they see what we have to deal with and nope tf out, or they’re just ill-suited for the position so they’re cut from training and sent packing.
I love my job; I love what I do. I wish I could say I loved my paychecks.” a user said.
5. Therapist

Therapists at non-profits are often paid low hourly wages despite having advanced degrees and doing paperwork only they are qualified to handle.
“I’m a therapist at a non-profit. I have a master’s degree, and most of the time, I’m getting paid $15/hr to complete tons of paperwork that only someone with a master’s degree can complete. It is bad.
I also only get paid hourly and for those three hours if I only have three clients that day. If someone cancels on me, I do not pay for that time wasted, even though I structured my whole day around seeing them. I thank my higher power daily that I have no student debt because my paychecks wouldn’t pay back.
Now, I’m working for dirt cheap to get licensed and go about my own business. I didn’t get into this field for the money, but it’d be nice if I could at least live off my paycheck.” shared one.
Read: Have Time At Night? 10 Jobs That Pay Well!
6. Janitors

Janitors are often underappreciated for their critical work cleaning up after others. Despite their vital role, janitors are usually paid low wages and deserve fair compensation for their hard work.
“They clean up all our mess, get no respect, and are sometimes some of the most chill people I’ve ever met. We should pay them more.” said one.
“My fiancee is a janitor at Mayo clinic, and they just gave her a raise to 19.90$ per hour. She works from 5 pm to 1 am, so a shift differential is included.” another added.
7. Wildlife Biologists

“I was a wildlife biologist….had to finally decide to leave if I was going to get a place of my own and have any semblance of financial freedom…sigh.” said one.
“I have a degree in conservation. I never had a job in conservation, lol. Significant other has the same degree as me and works in the industry, and I make more than 2x what she does.” another said.
8. Veterinary Professionals

“8 yrs of schooling, six figures of debt that the salary will never help bring down, incredibly draining and emotional job, all for people to say you’re heartless for charging for medical care…. its a no wonder there are shortages for veterinarians AND veterinary nurses in so many countries.
The corporations that own vet clinics are getting the cash, not all the staff just trying to do their best in a constantly understaffed scenario.” said one.
Read: Need Money? 10+ Ways To Make Money In One Day
9. Teacher’s Aid

Teacher’s aides are essential for instruction, yet often make the least and work with the most challenging students. According to a grateful teachers, they deserve better pay teachers and hazard pay.
“I am a teacher and could not get through my days without my amazing aides. They make instruction possible. I am always saying how they get the MOST DIFFICULT students (sometimes all day long), yet they make the least. It’s criminal, for real. Some of them even need “hazard pay,” no joke.
From a teacher: Thank you, aides, for all you do. You are appreciated more than we could ever express. I always thank mine and tell them how much I value them.” a user said.
10. Librarians

Despite their essential role in communities, many librarians need help with low pay, especially when starting. Some part-time jobs with no benefits to get their foot in the door.
“I work at a library. It’s especially tough for people just getting into the field. Only part-time, no-benefits jobs paying $13 an hour can get your foot in the door. Better hope you have a family financial support network to make your way into the world of libraries…” said one.
“My mother made less than 40k at a library for 15 years while raising triplets and didn’t get a raise until she went back to school to get her master’s while we were still in high school. In one year, she was making double what she had previously at a different library; insanity.” another added.
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This article originally appeared on Mrs. Daaku Studio.