Dads have just as much responsibility as moms in looking after their babies. In this case, the dad took his baby out for the day but forgot to bring the diaper bag. Naturally, his wife was quite upset.
A user asked the forum, Am I a jerk for getting annoyed at my wife for having no nappies in the nappy bag?

The original poster ( OP ) took the baby out while his wife worked. OP says he was prepared to spend several hours out of the house with snacks, juice, books, etc.
OP Grabs The Bag

Then, OP grabbed the nappy bag, threw it in the pram, and left. OP and his baby went for lunch, read a story to his baby, and drank some of his pints. Then, OP’s baby pooped.

OP thought that it was not a big issue and he took the nappy bag from the pram.
OP went through the bag, but he couldn’t find nappies. It was 21°C outside, and the baby was in a dress.
He Panicked

OP had promised to take the baby to the park. And he was panicking.
He was confused about whether to manage with trousers, should he sack off the park and go home, or deal with the meltdown.

Fortunately, OP found nappies in the changing room at the pub. And the OP banged his baby in some tight-fitting neonatal nappies, and they went to the park.
When OP went home, his wife annoyed him for not checking the nappies bag before leaving.

But OP’s standpoint was his wife should have replenished the bag as she used the last nappy. And OP says that the nappy bag is just a grab bag.
OP’s Wife Calls Him A Jerk

OP’s wife calls OP a jerk for not checking the bag before leaving. But OP feels his wife is a jerk for not replenishing the nappy bag after using the last nappy.

“Don’t blame her because you didn’t check the nappy bag for nappies. We all know a nappy bag with no nappies is just a bag. I agree that you should add nappies if you use the last nappy. But you’re the one who left with a nappy-less nappy bag. YOU should’ve checked. Next time, nappy up – all by yourself. You can do it! I believe in you!”

“You also want to check if there are enough nappies. What if there was only one, and your kid did a poop right after a change (always happens when most inconvenient). Also, check they are the right size if you’ve recently gone through a change.
You also need to check that there are enough wipes, that the baby’s sunscreen is in there, there is a water bottle, and maybe some juice too. Also, an appropriate spare outfit for the weather/occasion is also the right size.
Alternative: OP could get his own bag (My husband has a “Tacpac” baby bag). That way, OP can be in control of the stock.”

“Every parent on planet Earth knows you refill the diaper bag when you’re leaving, not when you’re getting home. That’s a “getting ready to go” task, not a “getting settled back at home” task, and I feel like this must be universal.”
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