A user asked the forum, Am I a jerk for giving my ex-wife a large amount of money I won despite the anger of my gf?

The original poster ( OP ) recently won a good amount of money. He didn’t say exactly how much, but it’s in the millions. He says it makes him feel funny even typing. He also says that it was enough to change the life of him and his family.

OP’s ex-wife is the mother of his two kids. He says that she was a fantastic woman and good to the bone.

OP and his ex-wife got divorced six years ago because OP had an affair with his current partner. He says that he was in a low place in his life, and he messed up.

OP says that his ex-wife allowed him to see their kids, who mean the world to him, and allowed their divorce to be as pain-free as possible despite the fact that he knew she was hurting.
His ex-wife was close to his parents. OP says that his ex-wife is respectful to him, although she refuses to talk to his GF.

OP says that she was the first person OP phoned after his mom and pops after he found out he won the lottery. He says that she was pleased for him, joked that he could take the kids on a world round trip, and that was that.

OP says that as soon as he won, he knew he wanted to give her a significant amount and he added that he still loves his ex-wife.
OP says that she’s the mother of his babies, and he feels like this is some small tiny way he can show her that he is not a complete mess.

OP says that she deserves to know that he cares despite his mistakes. He added that his ex-wife works a small job in the public library, which pays her peanuts- she would be able to pursue her hobbies this way. Give their kids a better life between them.
OP says that he hasn’t discussed that with his ex yet, but he has discussed it with his parents, who strongly agree, and his lawyer, who was very surprised but on board.

When OP told his GF, she got angry. OP says that his girlfriend started screaming that he was disrespecting her, accusing him of still being in love with his ex-wife.
But OP expresses that he was not in love with his ex-wife. They both grew apart, but OP still loves her for being an excellent co-parenting partner and mother to his kids.

OP says that his girlfriend was threatening to break up with him, and OP feels relieved by the threads. He also said that he doesn’t plan on changing his plans.

“I’m going to say NTA then. This will massively benefit your kids and help you and your ex get along tremendously.
The girlfriend, on the other hand…well, she’s bound to be insecure, given how things started between you two. I don’t have a whole lot of sympathy for her for knowingly getting involved with a married man.”

“Mother of your kids comes before any other woman. Whether you are with her or not. I’m in a similar situation with my ex; I love her as my son’s mom and as a friend; I can be close too, but I would never date her again; too many conflicting personality traits.
She still comes before any other woman in my life because she raises my son and because she is absolutely the best person I could imagine raising my kid. You are about to be in the fight of your life with your current GF. If she has an issue with you taking care of your family, and your ex IS family, tell her to kick rocks, YOU deserve better.”

“YOU ARE NOT A JERK. At the end of the day, you still shared a lot with your ex-wife, and that probably intimidates your Girlfriend. In my eyes, the Girlfriend is being extremely childish in this situation, and the fact that you’re feeling relieved about her threats says a lot about you too.
Perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate your relationship and just focus on giving your kids the best lives possible now you’ve got the means to do so.”
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This article originally appeared on Mrs Daaku Studio.