It is rude and insensitive to comment on someone’s appetite.

A netizen recently asked, “Am I a jerk for ordering a giant steak against my MIL’s will, actually eating it and refusing to cover the entire bill?”. Read on to know what exactly happened.


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The Original Poster (OP) (f27) has been together with her husband Nate for over 10 years and married for 4. She doesn’t have the best relationship with her MIL as she always seems to police what OP eats.

OP’s Usual Eating Pattern

Model Released. Attractive Young Woman Eating Mixed Salad
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Everyone in OP’s family has a fast metabolism, she is also working with horses so due to this burns a lot of calories (talking about 2.5-3k a day) and usually has rather large meals to get the energy back and she still remains skinny.

Fast Forward To The Dinner Last Friday

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Now to the event. OP’s in-laws invited her and Nate for dinner last Friday. OP was very busy back then and hadn’t eaten since about 6-7 am and also didn’t have a chance to have a snack before heading to the restaurant so OP was starving (OP usually has something to eat before seeing her MIL to avoid her comments).

What Did OP Order At The Restaurant

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Due to this, OP ordered a large steak at the restaurant which was meant for 2 people, it also came with prawns, bacon and 2 sides. Please note it was not the most expensive item on the menu as some of OP’s in-laws had significantly pricier dishes and they were all splitting the bill anyway.

OP’s MIL’s Indecent Comments

mother in law upset daughter
Image Credits: Gladskikh Tatiana, Shutterstock

OP’s MIL started making comments about how she shouldn’t be ordering what she can’t eat since even her husband wouldn’t be able to finish the dish, let alone someone OP’s size.

OP smiled and said she hasn’t eaten since early morning and is starving, if she doesn’t finish the steak, she will take the leftovers home.

OP’s MIL Flipped

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OP had easily finished the steak and was waiting for her dessert when OP’s MIL flipped. She said OP is attention seeking and was putting on a show, she also said OP had made her FIL and BIL feel uneasy and that a woman shouldn’t eat that much, it is unhealthy and something is wrong with OP.

She then demanded OP and Nate cover the entire bill as she wasn’t planning on “such a big expenditure”. OP said they are absolutely not covering the entire bill since it was meant to be split equally and reminded her of the dishes she ordered, which were significantly more expensive compared to OP’s steak (including her starter).

What Does OP Say?

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“As a result, I was called a jerk who ruined a family dinner. Nate is on my side but most of my in-laws are making very passive-aggressive posts on social media about it and keep sending me different articles of ‘what might cause excessive eating’.”, says OP.

OP asks if she is a jerk.

Stay Away From These People

young adult pretty woman feeling terrified, backing off and screaming in horror and panic, reacting to a nightmare
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“Not the jerk. Put some distance between you and these people. You’ll be better off. You didn’t do a damn thing wrong. I sincerely hope that steak was delicious.”

Eat What You Need And Want

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Image Credits: Roman Samborskyi, Shutterstock

“Not the jerk. Eat what you need and want. My MIL only eats about 2 things at restaurants. I was expected to follow the family food thing and only order certain things to keep her happy. Nope, I’m sorry but I eat this and this especially if I’m paying.”

That Has To Be YOUR Choice!

The young woman's portrait with happy emotions on studio background
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“Not the jerk, what you eat is your choice, I always find this splitting equally bill very unhelpful, it is often a source of resentment, so better if everyone paid for their meal, that would avoid others policing who orders what and how expensive.”

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