Husband Refuses To Make The House Alcohol-Free To Help Wife In Recovery. Says, “When She Drank, She Did and I Never Said Anything”. Thinks He Is Supportive Enough, But Is He?

Alcoholism can be a devastating disease, and quitting can be a long and difficult process. It is important to have the support of loved ones during recovery, but how much would you be willing to change to help someone else stay sober? We encountered one such incident where a husband asks if he is a…

Couple Snaps As His Sister Declines To Be A Bridesmaid. Says, “You’re Exaggerating Your Work Situation”. Is This Fair?

In today’s world, some jobs offer a great deal of flexibility, while others are demanding and require long hours. First responders, such as fire marshals, often have to prioritize their work duties over their personal lives. An internet user recently asked, Am I a jerk for declining to be a bridesmaid in my brother’s wedding?…

Friends Angry As Father Gets A Treat Meal For Picky-Eater Son At Their Dinner Party. We Think They’re Right.

A user asked the forum, “Am I a jerk  for leaving dinner to get my son McDonald’s, even though the food was served?” BACK STORY  The original poster’s (OP) wife’s friend invited his family over for dinner with him and his daughter. As long as they have known him, this friend has kept to a…

Wife Furious As Husband Orders Food Everyday and Doesn’t Ask Her. He Says, “She Is Overreacting”. Is This Right?

When you’re living together, you should always ask the other person if they want anything while ordering food for yourself. The Original Poster (OP) took it to the forum, and asked “Am I wrong for expecting hubby to ask me if I want takeout when he orders?”. We want to know from you. BACKSTORY OP…

Father Refuses To Help Daughter Honor Her Stepfather At The Wedding. Says, “He Isn’t Worth My Money”. We Think He Is Right, You Decide.

When one of your parents remarries, you gain a stepparent. It’s not always easy to navigate a new family dynamic, and especially challenging if you find yourself in a difficult situation. A netizen recently asked, “Am I a jerk for refusing to help my daughter honor her stepfather at her wedding?”. We’re all ears for…

Couple Refuses To Let Dying Sister Wear A Wedding Dress To Their Wedding. Parents Call Them Out On Being “Selfish”

Managing in-laws on your wedding day can be tricky, especially when you have a clear vision for the event. An internet user asked, “Am I a jerk for not wanting to dedicate half my wedding to my fiancé’s sister?”. We need to know your take on the matter. Backstory Original Poster, OP (29F) got engaged…

Netizens Belittle Man For Refusing To Drop A Friend Home Over A 20 Minute Detour. Do You Think He Has A Point?

Is a friend who won’t help you in your time of need truly a friend? A user asked the forum, “Am I a jerk for declining to drop my friend off at home?”. Read the complete story to know who is wrong here. BACK STORY  The Original Poster(OP) and his friend usually go rock climbing…

Mom Warns Parents To Avoid A “Specific Neighbour” For Refusing Candy To Her Autistic Daughter. Is She Blowing It Out Of Proportion? You Decide.

If someone can be stone-hearted enough to refuse to give candy to a six-year-old on Halloween, they deserve to be called out! A netizen recently asked, “Am I a jerk for telling parents not to take their kids trick or treating to a certain house?”. Read on to know what exactly happened! BACKSTORY  The Original…

Man Refused To Make Sister-In-Law A Wedding Dress Because Of Her Hostile Comments In The Past. Is He Overreacting?

People who are disrespectful towards you to your face and then have the audacity to be upset if you refuse to do them a favor deserve nothing! An internet user asked, “Am I a jerk for refusing to make my Sister-In-Law (SIL) a wedding dress?”. What’s your take on the matter? BACKSTORY  The Original Poster…

Woman Doesn’t Want A Co-Worker At A Party Because She Is Vegan, Claims To Be Uncomfortable. Asks People If She Is Right.

Hosting a dinner party is always fun, but what if you can’t accommodate everyone’s food preferences? Is it still okay to invite guests who are demanding and entitled? A user asked the forum, “Am I a jerk for not accommodating a friend’s vegan coworker at a dinner party?”. Read the complete story to know who…