It’s okay to have different food choices, but it is equally important to respect other people’s food choices as well.
The Original Poster (OP) took it to the forum, and asked “Am I wrong for saying I don’t want to eat body parts?”. We want to know from you.

OP and her boyfriend have been dating for over three years now. OP had her issues with her boyfriend’s parents, but recently they seemed to accept her and things went uphill.

OP decided to go vegan 5 months back. Her boyfriend has been very supportive of her.

When OP visited her boyfriend’s place, his mom made her vegan dishes. OP thanked her and appreciated her gesture.

OP never started a discussion about being vegan, nor did she comment on their non-vegetarian food. She was just glad they all got along and that their family was thoughtful enough to prepare vegan dishes for her.

OP’s boyfriend turned 24 a few weeks ago, and they organized a birthday brunch at his parent’s place.

OP’s boyfriend provided the food. OP, her boyfriend, and his mother prepared it together. OP’s boyfriend wanted a vegan alternative to each and every dish to be available on the table, not just for OP but also for his family members to try if they wanted to.

When they all were eating, OP’s stepdad commented about how “stupid” the idea of “vegan bacon” was. To that, OP responded almost in a reflex, “It is a great alternative for someone who wants to eat bacon but also doesn’t want to eat body parts.”

The stepdad got furious at OP’s comments and said that it was the stupidest thing that he had ever heard. He also commented on OP eating the vegan egg salad later. One thing led to another, and they got into a huge argument.

After a few days OP’s boyfriend’s mother called and told them about how the step dad was still angry at her and that she should apologize.
OP’s boyfriend wants OP to fix the situation and OP is willing to do that for his sake, but at the same time she believes she didn’t do anything wrong.
Now OP wants to know if this is wrong.

“I’m an avid meat-eater, half my family is in the butcher business, and I dislike preachy vegans as much as anyone. OP was not being preachy. Father-in-law instigated this entire thing. His comments were unnecessary and rude, especially considering his son’s gf of 3 years is a vegan.
And I see very little failing on OP’s part here. Meat literally is body parts, that’s not some kind of insult, that is the reality of meat. It’s no more an insult than saying someone having a salad is eating plants.
Anyone getting so bent out of shape over that just doesn’t like to confront the reality of what they’re eating.”, said one user.
That’s Aggresssive

“For as much as people complain about ‘preachy vegans’, I’ve encountered a lot more aggressive meat eaters.”, said another user.
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This article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.