A netizen recently asked, Am I a jerk for calling out my kids’ future stepmom for treating me like a surrogate? Here’s the full story for you to decide:

OP [29F] dated a guy Joe (30M) for 3 months before he left her to go back to his ex Kim (30F).
Right after they broke up, OP found out she was pregnant and now she’s at 24 weeks. OP let him know, and he was ecstatic.
Turns out his girlfriend had fertility issues and would likely never be able to get pregnant naturally and he has always wanted to be a father. Getting back together was out of the question for both of them so he’s still with his girlfriend.
Joe & Kim’s Involvement In OP’s Pregnancy

Joe was only allowed at the initial appointment because of COVID-19 and they found out OP was having twins. According to Joe, when he told Kim, she had a mental breakdown about her infertility and wanted to talk to OP.
What Happened Next

OP met them at their house and Kim stated that she wanted to be involved in her pregnancy because she would eventually be the children’s stepmother.
She started telling OP that she needed to do a home birth, that she needed to formula feed so that they could have the babies half of the week, that she wanted one boy and one girl, and that she wanted the kids to call her Mama since they would be calling OP Mommy.
OP shut her down and said she would make the best choices for her children and her body and left.
What Happened Next?

Kim continued to be overbearing and texted OP every day about her eating habits, exercise habits, and talked bad about how her job wouldn’t let her take maternity leave.
At the virtual genetics counseling appointment, Kim attended instead of Joe and took over the whole meeting trying to talk about her family history which wasn’t relevant. When it came time for OP’s 20-week level 2 scan, they allowed her one guest and Joe suggested she take Kim instead of him, which OP refused to do.
Joe did end up coming and he found out the gender because he wanted to keep it a surprise for OP so they all could throw a gender reveal party.
The Pregnancy Announcements

OP put a pregnancy announcement on her social media and then Kim put up an announcement saying they were expecting twins “the non-traditional way” and how blessed she was.
How Did OP React

OP was irritated but she kept her mouth shut. Then Kim threw a gender reveal party and posted it on social media. OP wasn’t even invited. Kim also announced that she’s having a baby shower!
What Did OP Do Finally?

OP says, “I commented on her posts and told her to stop treating me like a surrogate, that the kids weren’t hers, and that Joe didn’t have any claim or custody of the kids until they were born.
I then called Joe and reiterated all of this and stated that I would not be seeing either of them until we went to family court and that my mother would be my birthing partner.
He and Kim and some of her friends and family are saying I’m a jerk and her mother even called and insisted OP give her one of her babies like this is the Parent Trap? So Am I a jerk?
This Woman Sounds Mentally Unstable

“OP please do not be alone with this woman. Do not be alone with Joe. Do not be alone with them together. Please be aware of your surroundings when you’re alone.
This woman sounds mentally unstable. She needs therapy and you need to protect yourself and your unborn babies. Please start consulting with a lawyer now and document everything.”
Was This An Evil Strategy Or Something?

“Holy hell. They don’t even care about the babies if they’re suggesting you Parent Trap it. I’m actually wondering if this wasn’t just their plan all along, to have Joe knock someone up and then steal their kid. This is so messed up.”
Better Not Involve The Father At All!

“Wow, this is creepy.
Avoid baby daddy, avoid crazy gf, and give no further updates as far as appointments or anything goes. Don’t tell them when you’re in labor or when a c-section is scheduled. I’m sorry, but it may be best that the father is not involved in their lives when they’re born, considering how the gf is acting. At least not until you guys have custody fully settled in court, like only supervised visitation once a week or something. Best of luck to you.”
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This article was originally published on Mrs. Daaku Studio.