10 Jobs People Would Never Take, Even for a Million Dollars

There are numerous reasons why people may dislike certain jobs, contributing to their unpopularity. A user took it to the forum, and asked “What kind of job would you never accept and why?”. Here are the top responses.   ANYTHING INVOLVING HIGH-RISE BUILDINGS “High rise window cleaners! I couldn’t work up that high and on the…

15 Things You Say That Annoy People Beyond Bounds, Do You?

Sometimes, people prefer solitude to social interaction because negative interactions can evoke unpleasant emotions like sadness or anger A user asked the forum, “What do people say that annoys you?”. Let’s have a look at the top comments from the forum. BLAMING AND COMPLAINING  “It’s so annoying when people say that you always do “that”…

15 Things That Smell Like a Dream But Are Actually a Nightmare for Your Health

Alluring yet harmful, many substances emit enticing scents that can ensnare you in an unhealthy addiction. A user asked the forum, “What smells so good but is so bad for you?”. Here are the top responses. FAIR FOOD “Fair food. It’s the best-smelling and most outrageously unhealthy. Fried butter?! Get out of here.” GASOLINE “Gasoline….

12 Trashiest Things People Have Done On Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends to come together and celebrate. However, some individuals inadvertently detract from the festivities by engaging in ill-advised behaviors. Have you ever encountered such a situation? A user asked the forum, “What is the silliest thing somebody has done at your family Thanksgiving?”. Here are the top responses….

15 Reasons Why You Are Repelling Men Without Even Realising

Feeling puzzled by the lack of male attention? You’re not the only one. Many women face this challenge, leaving them perplexed and disheartened. A user asked the forum, “Men, what’d make a woman unapproachable?” – some answers are reasonable but some are plain outrageous.  Check this out: WALKING WITH HEADPHONES  “Sadly, every girl I see…

19 Subtle Addictions That Can Wreak Havoc on Your Life

The pervasiveness of addiction in modern society has insidiously crept into our lives, often unnoticed until its insidious grip disrupts our peace. Have you ever paused to examine the subtle yet pervasive ways addiction has infiltrated your life? A user asked the forum, “What is an addiction people might not realize they have?”. Here are…

17 Things That Will Make You Say “I Wish I Knew That Before I Got a Cat”

Cats are not only stress-busters but also relatively safer pets. There’s a wealth of knowledge about cats that you can only gain through firsthand experience. If you’re considering adopting a cat, equipping yourself with this knowledge is essential. A user asked the forum, “What’s something people typically don’t know about cats until they have one…

16 Things That Are Not As “Dangerous” As You Think

Despite many common misconceptions, most things considered extremely dangerous are actually relatively safe. A user asked the forum, “What’s actually pretty safe, but everyone treats it like it’s way more dangerous than it is?”. Here are the top responses. RADIATION “Radiation. People will panic about wifi, microwaves, etc, and then will go out in the…

11 Apt Jobs For People Who Do Not Like Using Their Brians

Recognizing and understanding our unique strengths and limitations empowers us to leverage our abilities effectively and navigate our challenges successfully. Once you have identified your potential, you can choose a suitable career field based on that. A user took it to the forum, and asked “What is a good job for someone who is really…

14 Things You Need Unlearn That Your Parents Taught you

As children, we uncritically absorb the teachings of our parents, who serve as our primary guides until we mature into independent learners. However, not all parental wisdom remains relevant or appropriate as we navigate life’s complexities. Consequently, we must engage in a process of unlearning certain ingrained beliefs to foster a genuinely fulfilling existence. A…