12 Most Unbelievable Things People Have Heard a Coworker Say

Coworkers can be a source of both support and entertainment. Sometimes, they say the most unexpected things. A user asked the forum, “What’s the wildest thing a Co-Worker has said to you?” Here are some responses he got! SHOWING VIDEOS OF HIMSELF WITH RANDOM WOMEN “When I worked at Ford, this dude went around showing…

15 Superstitions So Weird You Won’t Believe They’re Real

Strange superstitions are a part of many cultures worldwide, but some are stranger than others. A user asked the forum, “What’s the strangest superstition you’ve ever heard?” Here are some responses he got! NOT GOING BACK RULE “I’m not sure if this has been mentioned, but Russians are adamant about their “not going back” rule….

15 Jobs That Have Absolutely Disappeared Since You Were a Kid

Many jobs that were once joint have disappeared over time due to technological advancements, economic changes, and other factors. Some jobs were dangerous or difficult, while others were no longer needed. A user asked the forum, “What job is no longer around that was when you were younger or was a job before your generation?”…

17 Everyday Products That Noone Uses for Their Intended Purpose, Do You?

Many products are invented for one purpose but are used for something completely different. A user asked the forum, “What product is rarely used for its intended purpose?” Here are the best responses he got! CLOTHESPINS “Clothespins have spent years keeping bags of chips closed in my house, not a minute hanging up clothes.” MONOPOLY…

10 Most Quintessentially American Books That You Should Read, Have You?

There are many great works of American literature to choose from, but some stand out more than others for their uniquely American themes and characters. A user asked the forum, “What do you think is the most quintessentially American book?” Here are some responses he got! TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD “It’s probably the best American…

17 People Share The Most Important Cities In America

America’s most important cities are the ones that drive the country’s economy, culture, and innovation. These cities are home to major businesses, universities, and government agencies, attracting people worldwide. A user asked the forum, “What are the most important cities in America?” Here are some responses he got! DAYTON, OHIO  “Setting of Family Ties.” HERSHEY,…

12 Things That All Rich People Do Differently, and You Don’t

Rich people do things differently than the average person. They have different habits, mindsets, and strategies that help them build and maintain their wealth. A user asked the forum, “What are rich people doing differently to become rich?” Here are some responses he got! TAKING RISKS “Some risks and investments taken may have made people…

15 Things Europeans Do That Americans Find Absolutely Strange

Americans and Europeans share many similarities, but the two cultures also have some critical differences. One of the most curious aspects of European culture is their tendency to do certain things that make no sense to Americans. A user asked the forum, “Americans, what is something that Europeans have/do that makes no sense to you?”…

15 Things Women Do That Men Don’t Not Tell Them They Despise (But They Do!)

Girls do many great and admirable things, but there are also a few things that people secretly despise. A user asked the forum, “What are some things girls do that you secretly despise?” Here are some responses he got! SHARING EVERY DETAIL OF PERSONAL LIFE “Sharing every detail of my personal life that I confidently…

15 Activities You Do Sometimes That Make Everyone Look Dumb Or Awkward

Everyone has done something dumb or awkward in their lives. It’s a part of being human. But what are some of the things that we all look dumb or awkward doing? A user asked the forum, “What does everyone look dumb or awkward doing?” Here are some responses he got! CHASING A PING PONG BALL…