While naming a child, we must remember that it will affect them throughout their life.
A user asked the forum, “What is the worst thing to name your child?” Here are the common responses.
“PeePee. My former Sister-In-Law (SIL) thinks it’s short for Penelope, so she makes everyone call her little girl PeePee. I wish I were kidding.”
“My Brother-In-Law(BIL) David wanted to name his son Harley. That way, it would go something like this when someone introduced him. “This is Harley, David’s son.”
“Butherus, Medusa, Rambo, or Moonshine. I used to know a boy named Moonshine. He messed up; don’t do that to your kid.”
“Public school teacher here. Do not name your kid Angel. He’ll be anything but.”
*Mud, according to my mom. She always said, “If you do that, your name will be mud.”
“Covid. I read that people did this with their newborns during COVID.”
“My aunt was a nurse and once had a woman attempt to name her daughter “Precious Angel.” I say “attempted” because the name she LEGALLY ended up with was “Precise Angle.” God, I hope that kid is good at math.”
“CIVILIAN (Catelyn). Oh my god, that isn’t very good. No! You want to be relaxed and trendy, so you do that!? Some people.”
“I taught a kid named Sir. I can get wanting your kid to be respected, but I don’t think that’s the right order of operations.”
“McLovin. What kind of stupid name is that?”
“Bart. There is nothing terrible rhyming with Bart. Cart, dart, earth, nothing.”
“Engelbert. Especially if your last name is Humperdinck.”
“Naming your twins Crowley and Aziraphale is very bad.”
“Chlamydia. A foreigner who came to live in an English-speaking country thought that was a cute feminine word. That poor child.”
“Here’s a good one. I went to school with a kid named Harold. He was named after his grandfather on his mother’s side. So naturally, kids called him Harry.
Unfortunately, his father’s last name was Ball.”
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This article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.