Not everyone likes everything that’s popular. In fact, there are many things that the masses seem to be crazy about, but some people just can’t stand.
For example, some people hate cilantro, while others can’t get enough of it. Some people love pumpkin spice lattes, while others find them to be too sweet. And some people enjoy watching reality TV shows, while others find them to be vapid and mindless.
An internet user asked, “What is popular that you don’t like?”. We’ve compiled the best responses below!
“Snapchat. Can’t stand their explore page.”, said one.
“I downloaded Snapchat briefly in 2012 because a friend had it. Didn’t see the point, deleted it, haven’t had it since.”, another added.
Beyoncé And Taylor Swift
“Beyoncé and Taylor Swift. I just don’t care and I find it weird that other people care *that* much.”
Recreational Outrage Online
“Recreational outrage online. Casually arguing/insulting strangers online.”
“It’s cool as a place to store memories and share with relatives and all. There has never been a time in my life when I’ve walked into an elevator, saw my reflection, and thought, ‘God, I wish everybody could see me right now.’,”
Responding Immediately To Texts
“People thinking I need to drop what I am doing and respond immediately to a text.”
Personality Cults Like Kardashians
“Personality cults. Dangerous and degrading to society, particularly for teenagers who have the money to invest in them but lack the perspective and experience to question them.”
TikTok, Reels, Etc
“TikTok, reels, clips, YouTube shorts…Whatever these things are that are keeping everyone whipping out their phones for 20 seconds at a time to feed the ennui engine their life essence in between clients at work, or whatever…”
The Tipping System
“The tipping system. Nothing against the employees but establishments themselves for adopting it because they refuse to pay their employees a livable wage.”
Children’s IPads/Electronics
“Children iPads/electronics as a main source of learning for children. I just don’t like it.”
Superhero Movies
“Superhero movies. Now we are getting reboots of reboots and comic book characters no one has ever heard of. Enough already.”
Fast Fashion
“Fast fashion. Fashion trends. It hurts the wallet and hurts the environment.
I dislike how it’s so hard for me to find skinny-style pants nowadays.”
“Pickleball. It was supposed to be a fun game for older people to play now it’s on ESPN as if it’s a serious sport.”
First Person Shooters
“First-person shooters. I like pretty much every other genre but something about FPS just doesn’t click with me.”
“E-Gaming. I love video games but cannot get the appeal of watching someone else play them.”
“Capitalism it even sounds bad. Like I’m going to capitalize you in some way, sounds a lot like exploitation.”
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