Recreating history as a movie is not easy. So much goes behind a historical event, making it hard to get everything accurate. Even though these movies are inaccurate, they are made in such a way as to entertain people and keep them hooked. Do you have any such movies in your mind that go like this?
A user asked the forum, “What’s a historically inaccurate movie that gets a pass because of how good it is?”
Here are the top responses.

“Anastasia. Can you imagine getting murdered, then a movie is made implying the woman who claimed your identity was the real deal and had to fight a freaky wizard’s curse, and two knockoff movies were made in the same year? Songs were catchy, though.”

“Most of the dinosaurs you see in Jurassic Park are actually from the Cretaceous Period.”

“Tombstone. But I do love it.”

“There was a ‘historians react’ video on YouTube featuring A Knight’s Tale, and the consensus was basically ‘horribly inaccurate, 10/10.’ I think it wins this list.”

“Gangs of New York. The historically accurate setting, costumes, and some characters/gangs, but the plot and the events supporting it are largely fictional. It was a good movie, though.”

“Marie Antoinette (2006). The movie isn’t great, but you watch for the vibes.”

“The 1970 production Tora! Tora! Tora! Pulled off one of the great cons of modern cinematography as it convinced an entire generation of Americans that after the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese Admiral Yamamoto had said, ‘I fear that all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.’
There is no evidence that Yamamoto ever spoke the quote, but it was so perfect and convincing that subsequent Hollywood movies released in 2001 (Pearl Harbor) and 2019 (Midway) unquestioningly passed it off as legitimate.”

“Kingdom of Heaven. I love this movie even though it takes serious liberties with the truth. Also, Eva Green.”

“Star Wars. It happened a long time ago, so some of the details got blurred.”

“Apocalypto. Great film, but they blended Mayan and Aztec culture and completely shifted timelines.”

“The Blind Side, although we’ll hear more when the case goes to trial.”

“The Imitation Game. This one fits the bill because it’s supposed to be more historically accurate than most, and many things are accurate in the film. But tons of it is entirely incorrect and makes some guys look way worse than they were. Still like it, though.”

“Titanic. Their depictions of the lifeboat evacuation were inaccurate, and in real life, third-class passengers weren’t deliberately locked below decks to await their watery fate, either. That never happened.”

“Back to the Future II. We don’t have flying cars. I’m a little upset about it.”

“Probably Elizabeth (1998, about Queen Elizabeth I with Cate Blanchett). I just love it. The acting, the writing, the score.”

“Goodfellas. It’s probably in my top 3-5 all-time favorite movies. Michael Franzese breaks it down on his YouTube channel. If you’re into ‘that life,’ his channel is entertaining. He details how Henry Hill was not quite what the movie made him out to be.”

“Mulan (1998), nothing about it was accurate, but the music and Mushu is why I watch it.”
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This article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.