What do men find attractive in women? Is it their physical appearance, their personality, or something else?
A netizen recently asked, “Men, what’s the first thing you notice or look at in a woman?!”. Below are the top responses:
Her Eyes

“Her eyes. They can tell a lot about the person.”, said one.
“Her eyes, they’re very beautiful and very mysterious and you can tell a lot about a person by their eyes.”, another added.

“Shoes. If I’m really forward, her shoes.”, said one.
“Surprisingly, her shoes. What they choose to wear on their feet is very telling about their life choices. Everything after that is wonderful, of course.”, another added.

“Breasts. I am a shallow throwback of a man.”
Face And Body

“Face and body first, attitude second, brain third.”
How She Wants The World To See Her

“How she wants the world to see her. Like is she looking around to see who is looking at her, or is she just going about her business focused on what she has going on?
Can be very telling the kind of woman you will be dealing with!”
Eyes And Facial Expressions

“Eyes and facial expressions!!!! You can learn more paying attention there than most anywhere else.”

“Lips (if is not natural, I’m out), eyes and personality.”
Charisma & Personality

“Charisma. Personality. Big heart. Looks are important just not as important as the first 3 things I listed.
Beautiful faces are a dime a dozen. Finding a woman who has not become callous due to life’s generous privileges and blessings. Or one whose life has been ruthless, turned to stone, and emotionally checked out.
Either one will smother the life of a good man. Damsel in distress only gets saved in fairy tales. Finding one that carries a little bit of pain and life experience.
Great personality lots of love and passion left is hard. You better be ready because she will be gone before you can get your stuff together. If you’re busy riding the fence or still playing Playboy. Or preoccupied trying to hold together the damsel. You will lose your chance at greatness. I don’t think men will meet but a few in their entire life. Hopefully, they are ready.
If you do get one always count your blessings and don’t take that kind of love for granted. Because it doesn’t happen to everyone. I was blessed enough to marry one. Loving her is as easy as breathing oxygen. Best blessings of my life.”
Size And Shape Of Her Arms

“The size and shape of her arms. Gives a good indication of her body”
General Symmetry Of The Face

“I would say the general symmetry of the face!”

“Weight. The first thing I notice is if this person is in shape or not.”
Her Curves

“27yr male here. When I was a teen the first thing I would have noticed was her curves. I blame my hormones for that. As I’ve gotten older I tend to notice the expression on her face or her hair because I try to remember stuff that will help me as an artist.
When I notice her expression it makes me wonder what’s going on in her mind and tells me if I should offer her my help if possible.
When I notice her hair that can tell me if she’s had a rough day, stressed or even learned something about her. These two in combination usually give me a good idea of if I even should try striking up a conversation or just leave her be. I prefer not to add to whatever stress someone might be dealing with.”

“Chin, move up to mouth area, cheeks, forehead, hairline, hair, then body.”
Their Make Up

“The first thing I notice about women is how much make-up they’re wearing, it can tell you lots about what kind of person they are.”
Their Love For Themselves

“Whether they love themselves or not, nothing puts me off like a woman who thinks she’s the crap.”
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This article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.