High school is an essential part of education, but it is not a smooth ride for everyone. Some students hate it for a variety of reasons.
A user asked the forum, “Redditors who hated high school, why did you hate it?”
“I hated getting up so early.”
“Because of students. The place wasn’t bad, but students were humiliating me.”
“Un-diagnosed and untreated social anxiety disorder, depression, and ADHD.
Every single day felt like a confusing and exhausting torrent of stage fright.
It was hell.”
“I had a good first year in high school.
Then my middle school principal and his bad policies got promoted to the new principal, and suddenly all the kids were back to being complete jerks.
My dad, as a teacher, quit under him because his policies for dealing with students were TERRIBLE. Teachers got mistreated by students, and he never did anything.
One boy nearly set a girl’s hair on fire with a lighter teacher reported him. Didn’t even get suspension.
I hold grudges against that principal and his policies every day, especially when he tried to tell me with full confidence that I instigated a fight with a bully football player who THREW ME INTO BLEACHERS!”
“I was very overweight and socially anxious. I had no friends, no one to talk to, got made fun of behind my back for my weight, and was pressured at the same time to focus on all these different useless subjects and felt like they didn’t really care about me unless I did well, I tried talking to my counselor and teachers they gave no care until my grades started dropping. It’s a terrible environment for kids to be shoved into days on end.”
“I was short and very thin and was made fun of. I hated it.”
“Have hearing loss. Fought with doctors for years to get a prescription for hearing aids (when you still needed an Rx for it) and couldn’t hear for most of my classes in high school.”
“I actually didn’t have many problems with other students. It was entirely egotistical or bullied teachers, grading standards, the amount of time teachers expected us to free up for school, and the pacing of learning in general.
For example, my worst semester in high school was that one I spent in a brand-new charter school. The way that the credits were distributed was god-awful. In a normal semester, you’d get four credits, and you needed a minimum of 24 to graduate. At the charter school, you were able to get a maximum of three credits depending on the classes you took, and the problem was that the teachers were working without checks or balances, and the classes with the larger credits would fill up quickly with the teachers choosing who was able to be in them.
The point at which one of the administrators came down like a sledgehammer was when a third of students wanted to return to the high school after the first ever semester of the charter school.”
“I was an antisocial nerd.”
“I wanted to learn. I was literally there to learn. I’m on the spectrum, and I am hyperlexic; I could read a textbook in a few weeks, test out of the course by November and switch to the next level. (I did this more than once, I did it twice in one year, and once I challenged the AP, where I got a five.)
But unfortunately, in order to learn, I had to sit next to other kids who would make fun of me. I twisted myself into pretzels, pretending to like a certain kind of music, wearing cool-ish KMart clothes that were incredibly ill-fitting, writing the names of bands on my folder, pretending to have devoted my life to them, when I just kind of sort of liked some of their songs. I was too tall, and I had severe cystic acne; my mother cut my hair.
I wasn’t a total outcast; I had a boyfriend, and I had a couple of friends, but I remember trying to take classes and just having to walk into a room of strangers and completely tuning them out; I don’t care what they were doing or saying so that I could focus on what I was supposed to be doing.
It wasn’t until I was in my 40’s that I was comfortable saying I actually don’t care about those things. Being in your 40’s is tremendously freeing. Also, having enough freedom and adult money to buy clothes that suit your body, live in a place of your choosing, surround yourself with people at work, etc.
High school was bad.”
“One of the very first things my “friends” from middle school did when we started high school was to start a fake rumor that I was a male attracted to other men. So for pretty much the entirety of high school, I had people harassing me online, calling me the F slur. In my junior year, they started mocking me for my mental health struggles. They believed that since I had good grades, I must’ve had a perfect life. The bullying and mocking got so bad that I just decided to suffer in silence.
I was incredibly naive in high school, so at the time, I didn’t even realize I was being treated badly. It was only in college, when people started treating me like an actual human being that I realized that high school was a mess.”
“Our principal was really weird. He was strict on dress code and behavioral stuff, but drugs weren’t even on his radar, it seemed. I’m from a rural part of Appalachia where pain pills really messed things up, especially around my teen years.
Kids would openly sell opioids and benzos at school, but god forbid, a girl’s shorts are just a smidge too short. I’ve lost several friends to ODs over the years, and they all started in high school. The principal was really weird about facial hair, too, like to the point of making my friend Kyle shave his growing stubble every afternoon with a bad disposable razor because Kyle was a hairy mf, and even though he shaved every day, he’d have a bit of stubble by 1-2 pm.”
“I have eczema, and it’s on my face. It started in middle school when I got an impetigo infection above my lip because of it, and it only got worse.
That and my stalker.”
“I couldn’t understand most of my subjects, and no one was helping me. Teachers got frustrated easily with me because often I couldn’t understand the subject even after a one to one session or was weird about how/what I asked questions/about.
I had a Spanish teacher tell me I didn’t need help because my grade “didn’t look like I needed help.” My grade was carried by how well I picked up reading in Spanish. I couldn’t speak or write very well and wanted more help with that.
My parents either didn’t recognize or care that I needed help. My parents are divorced, so my dad didn’t get a lot of insight into my life, and I kept some of it that way to not cause tension with my moms.
My mother did not care and actively told me that she believed I was just not trying my hardest and was lying to her when I told her I really was.
I was also being heavily emotionally abused at home. I didn’t have a lot of friends because I didn’t know how to make friends because of being abused. I didn’t know how to interact with people, which led to a lot of situations where people didn’t want to be my friend and hated me.”
“My parents forced me to play baseball, and my dad was the baseball coach, and all he did was yell at me and then we’d go home and fight. My grades dropped dramatically, and I slipped into depression, and then I was yelled at for being sad and negative.”
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This article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.