In many countries, unhealthy foods are more affordable than healthier options. However, there are some countries where healthy foods are relatively inexpensive.
A user took it to the forum, and asked “Which countries have you found food to be both cheap and healthy?”. Here are the top responses.

“The food in Albania was insanely good! I could not get enough. Ate so much food for two weeks, came home and stepped on the scale and didn’t gain one pound. Our food in the US is just poison.”, said one user.

“The best food I’ve ever encountered was in Georgia. Food preparations are generally healthy, as well as cheap by US standards. Much, much better quality than most of Europe likes to think they have.”, said one user.

“Vietnamese food is probably among the healthiest in the world. The least obese nation as well.”, said one user.
“The food in Vietnam is very fresh tasting and healthy.”, said one user.

Japan was what I immediately thought of as well. Especially if you live in Kyushu, you can get fresh-grown fruits and veggies for incredibly cheap, as well as locally sourced pork and beef. My 2 years in Kyushu were the best eating I’ve ever done.”, said one user.

“Excellent fresh produce everywhere you go. Food is insanely cheap too because of the still falling exchange rate. It’s all great quality too, no different than you would find in Europe.”, said one user.

“Bosnia! It is a rural country with a lot of small farms, delicious fruits and veggies and trouts from the rivers.”, said one user.

“Bibimbap, kimchi chigae , etc are generally the cheapest meals you can get and they’re pretty healthy and tasty.”, said one user.

“I’ll say Cambodia. The cuisine is in between that of Thailand and Vietnam with both Indian and French influences.
You can eat Lok lak if you are into meat, but the highlight for me was Fish Amok (local coconut milk fish curry steamed in banana leaves) and you can also swap fish with chicken.
But mainly you can find cuisines from all over the world and it’s even cheaper than Vietnam.”, said one user.

“Typical lunch/dinner is rice, black beans, salad, steamed vegetables, and a fried egg (plus meat if you choose), plus a ton of fresh fruits as well.”, said one user.

“The food in Romania is of phenomenal quality, plenty of healthy choices, and is cheap as well.”, said one user.
“Romania has the least overfarming, best light, and best soil in the world. They have the best food.”, said another user.

“South Africa! Not only is so much of the food healthy, but it’s well-prepared and delicious. It’s easy to get smoothies, just about all coffee places offer almond/oat milk, there’s locally made kombucha, and lots of gluten-free options.
There’s so much locally grown food and fruit/veg available, including lovely tropical fruits like passionfruit and guava.”, said one user.
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The article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.