A user asked the forum, “What do men want for a birthday present?”

“Today is my birthday! I really wanted a new golf bag and to be with my family.
I got both of those things and am very grateful for the people around me!”

“Night vision goggles.”

“Peace and solitude.”

“Your company is probably the best gift. I have every object I want, so you’d have to go for something sentimental.”

“Honestly, to just be listened to and taken seriously. If a man says he wants, like, idk, a bag of apples for his birthday, don’t go out and buy him a cutesy little t-shirt & McDonald’s or something because you like it.
Just buy him the goddamned bag of apples and watch how happy he is because you listened and took it seriously.
If not that, then just a day of peace and quiet. Just one day where he doesn’t have to solve someone else’s problems, fix something, clean something, pick something up or drop something off, etc.

“Lego. This is my answer. More specifically, I want the Lego Rivendell set.”

“Box of donuts and a hug.”

“A house in the middle of a 30-acre field. Trees line the perimeter and a long driveway.
A porch, wrapping around the house and a garage with a good truck, a nice car, and a couple of ATVs to get around the property.”

“LEGO Technic 42156 PEUGEOT 9X8 24H Le Mans Hybrid Hypercar.”

“Usually material things I just buy myself.
So usually I’m most happy with something somebody does with their time, hanging out, going on a planned trip you decided might be fun. Etc.”
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The article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.