Dollar stores offer a wide variety of items at affordable prices. A user took it to the forum, and asked “Are dollar stores frugal?”. Here are the top responses.

“The absolute BEST deal at Dollar Tree is the greeting cards. If you need a birthday card, valentine’s day card, etc., THAT day, you’ll save several dollars over the ungodly expensive cards at other retailers.
I refuse to spend five dollars on a folded piece of printed cardstock.”, said one user.

“I love the Dollar Tree! I get all of my cleaning supplies from there. The dollar tree store brand magic erasers come two in a pack and work just as well, if not better than the Magic Erasers that are like $4.29 for two.”, said one user.

“You can get great deals for candy too.”, said one user.

“This past Christmas I got my husband some Jack Daniel’s whiskey coffee there and the same stuff went for like $15 on Amazon. I can’t say enough good things about the dollar tree.”, said one user.

“My wife and I spent 100$ buying 100 champagne glasses for our wedding and let the guests take them home. Few other friends love buying bulk things for large events.”, said one user.

“For some things it absolutely makes sense. The cotton pads I use to take my makeup off cost $6.99 per pack at the drugstore, but only cost $1.99 at the dollar store next door, so the same number of pads in a pack.”, said one user.

“Nail polish remover is about $2.50 cheaper at the dollar store.”, said one user.

“Ziplock bags are way cheaper in dollar stores.”, said one user.

“Aluminum foil is WAY cheaper – yes it’s a bit thinner and bad quality, but it does the job just fine for my purposes.”, said one user.

“Dollar stores are usually the best value if you need “travel size’ or “single person” amounts of items. I was able to find Tide, bleach, soap and other products for camping/road trips at a good price without having to find suitable packaging.
They are more expensive than the Costco bottles, but way less than paying $4.00 for one packet at a laundromat far from home.”, said one user.
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The article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.