A Redditor asked forumAm I wrong, for missing my father-in-law’s funeral after my mother-in-law booked my husband first class but my economy?


The Original Poster (OP) [a 23-year-old female] and her mother-in-law (MIL) did not share a close relationship. MIL was always civil towards OP but was a bit passive-aggressive at times, and they tend to disagree often.

They used to live in a different state. OP’s Father-in-law (FIL) passed away, and MIL told OP and her husband to attend the funeral. MIL booked their tickets to fly home. 

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But the issue started when OP’s husband told her they couldn’t sit together on the plane because his mom (OP’s MIL) had booked him a first-class ticket while OP got economy.

OP was flabbergasted by this. OP tried asking him why, but he urged OP to leave it and they’ll talk about it later. 

At that particular moment, OP felt humiliated. OP decided to not go to the funeral. OP’s husband was shocked by her decision and tried to convince OP to just go, but she declined.

Read: He Refused Her Stay-At-Home Wife Any Money To Help Her Family And Friends. We Think He Is Right.


What Happened Next?

He went alone, and OP ended up missing the funeral. He called OP and texted nasty things, calling her petty and spoiled. He said that OP should be grateful his mom paid for her ticket, to begin with, and that she doesn’t owe OP a Goddamn thing. 

Read: She Outed Her 17 Year Old Son And Then Laughed At It. Her Son Isn’t Talking To Her. She Wants To Know If She Was Wrong.

OP argued about how MIL could’ve booked them both in the economy if money was an issue, but he called OP pathetic for thinking about it when his dad had just died. He said it was cruel what she did and that his mom and family will never forget that she missed the funeral for ridiculous reasons.

OP asks, “Am I wrong for going home over this?”

Was OP correct to refuse to go to the funeral? Was it inappropriate for OP’s MIL to book economy for her and business class for her son? How would you have reacted in this situation?

This article originally appeared on Mrs Daaku Studio.

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