We all give weak excuses at times, but are there some that are universal favorites?
A netizen recently asked, “What’s your go-to excuse for anything?”
Below are the top responses.

” ‘I can’t, I have to work!’ I’ve always been a shift worker with an odd schedule that includes weekends and holidays. It doesn’t anymore, but no one needs to know that.”

“I’m just tired. I didn’t sleep well last night. Repeat X infinity.”

“My partner likes to blame her friend for anything and everything. Except he lives on a different continent. With a 6-hour time difference and has never been to our country. But sure, it’s his fault that we didn’t put the bread away, and the cat got in it.”

“Bipolar depression. I’ve struggled my whole life and wish it wasn’t my excuse. I’m not fun or creative, and I’m just sad and angry.”

“I’m on my period,” said one.
“Most often, it’s not even a lie,” another added.

“I’m having a bad thyroid fatigue day. 99% of the time, it’s true, so for the other 1% of the time, it’s hard to argue.”

“Back pain. I have a long history of chronic back pain and can escape almost anything.”

“Hemorrhoids, painful, itchy hemorrhoids. Nobody is going to argue with you on that one. Late for work, hemorrhoids. Caught cheating, hemorrhoids. Every time.”

“I’m not sure it’s an excuse because it’s usually accurate, but it’s a headache. I suffer from headaches pretty regularly. Most of the time, I can take it and pull through, but sometimes I just choose not to.”

“For the first two months after I moved, I used jet lag as an excuse if I woke up late or was tired.”

“I have a photo of one of my tires exploding on my car. If I don’t ever want to do something with people, I send them that next to a picture of me on the Highway and say, ‘Oh man, my tire is blown! I don’t have a spare, and I’m waiting to be picked up! It works up to four times with each person.”

“‘I can’t; I must get home to my dog.’ Which is true 99% of the time. I don’t make plans unless my dog is included or cared for. But he’s also a great backup plan.”

“‘I forgot’ is pretty solid considering I forget things all the time.”

“Grandma has a doctor’s appointment, and I’m the only reliable transportation. You can reuse this excuse to infinity.”

“I’m in consulting, so I say, ‘Sorry, I have a demanding client right now and a deliverable due soon.’Works every time. Even if it’s a Saturday and I don’t feel like going to some boring dinner with people who are marginally my friends. They just assume that I work a lot and have a lot of demands. They almost respect me more as an “overworker” which is a sad part of our culture, but I don’t care about avoiding boring things.
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This article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.