If you are an avid traveler, you will visit so many places and countries. It would be the best idea to commemorate all those experiences.
A user asked the forum, “How do you commemorate your travels?” Here are the top responses.

“Fridge magnet. I have a few hundred of them from my travels that I keep on metal sheets hanging in my office behind me.
They become a conversation piece during conference calls and are a good icebreaker when I meet new people on a conference call. They’ll ask what they are, I’ll explain they are magnets from my travels, and then I’ll ask them where they are from. If I have a magnet from that area, I’ll pull it off the wall and show it to them. It’s silly but an excellent way to start a conversation.”

“Christmas ornaments. Once a year, you get to open a box of memories.”

“If I can take one amazing photo during a trip, that’s the best souvenir. I had a printed book put together after our trip to Paris because the photos there were fabulous. I hang some of them on the walls.”

“I buy stickers and place them on a snowboard that belongs to my late son. I also spread some of his ashes wherever we visit.”

“Tea towels from the different places I’ve been are on rotation in my kitchen.”

“Postcards, coins, and banknotes.”

“I make scrapbooks, so I’ll save tickets, maps, coins, etc., and make a book for the trip (especially if it is longer). I also like to get little pins from everywhere I visit and put them on my corkboard at home.”

“I try to buy practical souvenirs that I can use like a tile coasters/pot rest from Portugal, a garnet ring from Prague, a dress by a local designer in Berlin, a cork purse from Portugal, a cow bracelet from Cambodia, a mandala I framed from Nepal, a cookbook that came as part of a cooking lesson in Thailand, a pair of shoes in London, etc. I don’t have space to display many things, so this works better for me.”

“I was handed down two silver charm bracelets from my Mum and Nan. I buy a charm relating to every country/city I’ve been to and add them to the bracelets.”

“I buy artwork (usually watercolor) of the city from a local artist. They roll it up and place it in a tube. I have it framed when I get home. Also, try to find a small piece of jewelry.”

“I buy coffee mugs and rotate them between using them and display.”

“I frame postage stamps from each country and put them on a gallery wall going up the stairs. I love seeing them and being reminded of my adventures.”

“I buy clothes not necessarily related to the visited place, and every time I wear them, I remember my travels.”

“Rocks & pebbles whenever possible.”

“I buy enamel pins! They are everywhere, typically less than $10, and small! I commissioned a friend to weave some hanging flags for me to stick them in, and they are hanging up on my wall right now!”

“Grocery store reusable bag. Every week, I haul groceries home in a bag with memories of my trips. My favorite is ‘Fooby! We love food!’ (Switzerland).”

“Transit card. In some places, it’s hard as they use contactless or don’t issue transfers, but most still sell city-specific transit cards, and in many places, you’ll be buying one anyway to use the local transit system. They fit nicely in a baseball card frame that can also be hung on the wall.”

“I make playlists for each trip I take. It becomes a little time capsule for when I was away and always brings me back to the time and place when I play the music back.”
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This article was originally published on Mrs. Daaku Studio.