There is no shame in admitting that you are bad at doing something. Nobody has to excel at everything. In fact, people have unique qualities that make them attractive.

A user asked the forum, “What are you embarrassingly bad at doing?” 

Here are the top responses. 


Young hispanic woman isolated on purple background tired and very sleepy keeping hand on head.
Image Credits: Deposit Photos

“Remembering names. I feel very bad, but if I just met you, there’s about a 99% chance I will not remember it after only being told once.”


Young hispanic woman isolated on blue background shouts loud, keeps eyes opened and hands tense.
Image Credits: Deposit Photos

“Small talk. I do not know how people move from boring incidentals like weather and jobs to saying anything meaningful and interesting.”


young pretty woman feeling stupefied and scared, fearing something frightening, with hands open up front saying stay away
Image Credits: Deposit Photos

“Dancing. Picture Elaine kicks.”


Young caucasian blonde woman isolated on yellow background screaming to the sky, looking up, frustrated.
Image Credits: Deposit Photos.

“Math. I took the entrance exams many years ago when I was accepted to a university. I ‘tested out’ of the English requirement.

But for math, I was relegated to the ‘Oh sweetie, you need some help in this subject, don’t you?’ remedial classes.”


redhair pretty woman feeling extremely shocked and surprised, anxious and panicking, with a stressed and horrified look
Image Credits: Deposit Photos.

“Writing. My handwriting is absolutely atrocious. It’s worse than doctors’ scripts.”


Young natural and authentic redhead woman impressed holding copy space on palm.
Image Credits: Deposit Photos.

“Parallel parking. Thank Jesus for parking garages!”


Female executive with confused expression standing over white background
Image Credits: Deposit Photos

“I know maybe three people’s birthdays by heart, and one of those is mine.

People have been genuinely hurt finding out I don’t remember their birthday, and it is absolutely not because I don’t care; I just literally, quite simply, cannot remember dates.”


Headshot of blue eyed stunned woman with jaw dropped and eyes popped out, stares at camera with surprised expression, has hair bun, wears white shirt, poses in studio. Human reaction concept
Image Credits: Deposit Photos

“Folding. Paper, bedding, anything that requires folding.”


The portrait of alarmed young woman with shocked facial expression
Image Credits: Deposit Photos

“Whistling. Never really learned as a kid and now can’t really do it.”


young adult pretty woman looking desperate and frustrated, stressed, unhappy and annoyed, shouting and screaming
Image Credits: Deposit Photos

“Maintaining my hair. I treat it like garbage.”


Young hispanic woman wearing glasses crazy and scared with hands on head, afraid and surprised of shock with open mouth
Image Credits: Deposit Photos

“Wrapping gifts. It’s not for lack of trying; I’m just awful at it.”


young latin pretty woman feeling puzzled and confused, unsure about the correct answer or decision, trying to make a choice against flat wall
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“Bowling. I’m just horrific. I’ve gone a decent number of times; 74 is my high score. I usually land around the 15-25 range. Multiple 300s on Wii bowling, so it must be the wind.”


Young blond curly hair caucasian man isolated doubting and shrugging shoulders in questioning gesture.
Image Credits: Deposit Photos

“Riding a bike. I had to give up; I literally would need training wheels.”


Frustrated young girl shrugging shoulders isolated over gray background. I do not know where to spend her vacation, what destination to choose.
Image Credits: Deposit Photos

“Directions, even with a map. I’m terrible at estimating distances too, so even if the voice on maps tells me the turn is in 400m, I’m never 100% certain how long I have to turn.”


disgusted person
Image Credits: Deposit Photos

“Communicating. I just can’t seem to get my thoughts across in words.”


Pretty woman wearing glasses standing over insolated blue background suffering from headache desperate and stressed because pain and migraine with her hands on head very tired.
Image Credits: Deposit Photos

“Eating without spilling on myself. At home, I put on an apron just for eating.”


Young indian woman standing over yellow background depressed and worry for distress, crying angry and afraid. sad expression.
Image Credits: Deposit Photos

“Listening. I don’t know what you’re saying; I’m elsewhere.”

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Shocked black woman looking at camera with open mouth, expressing amazement on pink studio background. Millennial African American lady feeling surprised, receiving unexpected news
Image Credits: Deposit Photos.

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This article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.

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