Random advice can sometimes be the best advice. It can come from unexpected places and challenge us to think differently.<\/p>\n
An internet user <\/span>asked<\/span><\/a>, “What is some random advice you would like to give?” Below are the best responses:<\/span><\/p>\n
“Buy a plunger before you need a plunger.”, said one. <\/span><\/p>\n
“Also, keep a plunger in the bathroom guests use. There is nothing more awkward than having to ask for a plunger.”, another added. <\/span><\/p>\n
“To shut up when people are obviously excluding you from the group. Don’t demand attention because you don’t deserve half-baked consideration. Know when you’re not wanted and leave. You’ll eventually find YOUR KIND of people, just be patient.” <\/span><\/p>\n
“Be very selective about who you let into your life. A relationship or friendship can either make or break you.” <\/span><\/p>\n
“Don’t get too comfortable. Things change jobs<\/a>, relationships, and your own body. It’s good to seek stability and consistency but realize nothing is forever.”<\/span><\/p>\n
“Give a 5-minute warning to kids before yanking them out of playtime. When they\u2019re toddlers and can\u2019t tell time yet, they\u2019ll be upset the first few times. <\/span><\/p>\n
If you\u2019re consistent, they will learn that it\u2019s the signal to wind things down that lets them shift gears.” <\/span><\/p>\n
“Do not ever, EVER assume that disability makes someone less of a person.”, said one. <\/span><\/p>\n
“Going off this, don’t assume that a mentally disabled person can’t do X just because they can’t do Y. Just because you can tell that they likely have a disability doesn’t mean that they won’t be aware of you infantilizing or talking down to them, or that they can’t do a specific task just because they can’t do something else.”, another added. <\/span><\/p>\n
“Floss your teeth. I have one that connects to my shower head and it is the most convenient tool ever. If you haven\u2019t flossed in a while, floss your molars and give them a whiff. If it smells like death, give your teeth more attention.” <\/span><\/p>\n
“Random Chess Advice – It is often suggested to practice ‘rapid development’ in the opening of chess, where your goal is to develop all your pieces by only moving them once, castling, and getting your major pieces off the backline so your “rooks are touching” <\/span><\/p>\n
If you can accomplish this quicker than your opponent, often you are in a better position to start the middlegame where the battle truly begins.” <\/span><\/p>\n
“Trust your gut feeling. Chances are there is a reason but your brain has not consciously articulated it.”, said one. <\/span><\/p>\n
“Gut feelings are related to the vagus nerve, which essentially wraps around and holds your torso to the lower half of your body! it goes into your gut and essentially causes those gut feelings.”, another added. <\/span><\/p>\n
“CTRL + Shift + T will reopen tabs that you accidentally closed.”, said one. <\/span><\/p>\n
“Just taught my older coworker this trick when he accidentally closed an extremely important page he was working on for like 2 hours and he was in shock.”, another added. <\/span><\/p>\n
“I have said this before and many don\u2019t agree. If you are in college and have to work, get a job that\u2019s relevant to your degree program. <\/span><\/p>\n
Nobody cares that IDK if you have a computer degree and your only work experience is flipping burgers. It has nothing to do with the degree and job recruiters are not going to care if you are an excellent fast food worker.” <\/span><\/p>\n
“Find things that you love doing and do them.”, said one. <\/span><\/p>\n
“And you don’t have to be good at these things. Do them for the pleasure of doing them. Mr Rogers liked to draw but said he wasn’t very good at it, but that’s OK because he still liked to do it. <\/span><\/p>\n
If you like it and you do it enough, you’ll probably get better at it anyway. So don’t sweat it if it’s not the Mona Lisa the first time out.”, another added. <\/span><\/p>\n
“Be kind. To yourself and to each other. The world would be a better place.” <\/span><\/p>\n
“If you get a cramp, say in your leg, physically grab that cramped muscle and shake it vigorously. <\/span><\/p>\n
It confuses the muscle so it releases rather than contacts\u2026 resulting in a pretty swift ending to painful cramping!” <\/span><\/p>\n
“Understand and embrace the fact that most things other people do and say aren’t about you, so don’t take it personally. <\/span><\/p>\n
Let it roll off your back and out of your life; don’t bother to waste your energy on it. (This statement does not apply if another person’s or group’s actions are causing you personal harm, obviously.)”<\/span><\/p>\n
“If you work a professional job, switch jobs every 1-3 years, you\u2019ll get paid way more at a new job than at your old job and you\u2019ll be able to negotiate a higher salary, sometimes even as high as 30-50% more. You\u2019ll also learn new skills and will be able to move up In the job title faster. <\/span><\/p>\n
Remember, companies aren\u2019t your friend, they aren\u2019t going to be loyal to you, corporate loyalty never pays off in modern times.” <\/span><\/p>\n
18 Things You Never Realized the Pandemic Has Completely Ruined. Read here.<\/a> <\/p>\n
21 Things You’re Saying That Make People Dislike You “Instantly”: Guilty of Any? Read here.<\/a> <\/p>\n
17 Places That’re Popular For Travel But is NOT Worth Visiting Even Once. Read here.<\/a> <\/p>\n
12 Traits Women Find “Creepy” \u2013 Are You Guilty of Any? Read here.<\/a> <\/p>\n
13 Things You Pretend You Don’t Do, But Secretly Do It: Are You Ashamed of it? Read here.<\/a><\/p>\n
The article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.<\/a><\/p>\n