Sometimes people need to remember what they should know and want to know. In one such incident, a boyfriend demanded to know the pen name of her girlfriend, and he thought he had a right to know!<\/span><\/p>\n
A Redditor asked on a <\/span>popular forum<\/span><\/a>, <\/span>Am I wrong for demanding my girlfriend tells me her author\u2019s pen name? <\/span><\/em>Here is the full story:<\/span><\/p>\n
The Original Poster (OP) is a 32-year-old man who has been dating 32-year-old Siobhan<\/em> for 6 months. She had always been very vague about her profession. <\/span><\/p>\n
She made ambiguous statements about working from home<\/a> and writing but never gave concrete details. Recently, one of her friends mentioned something, and OP finally dragged it out of her. <\/span><\/p>\n
She was an author; she wrote and self-published romance and erotica stories and novels. Although not wealthy, she was able to support herself through her writing<\/a>. <\/span>OP googled her name and couldn\u2019t find anything, so OP confronted her about that. OP demanded that she give him the pen name so he could see her work and understand what she does.<\/span><\/p>\n
Read<\/strong>: He Choose To Go On A Trip With His Girlfriend Over Babysitting His Struggling Brother\u2019s Son. Family Thinks He Is Selfish. We Don\u2019t.<\/a><\/p>\n
She refused and said that she didn\u2019t want it to be leaked, even by accident. OP accused Siobhan of not trusting him, but she still refused to give him her pen name, which was quite frustrating for him.<\/span><\/p>\n
OP tried a more friendly approach and told her he wanted to know her fantasies to try that out with her. She told him that what she wrote were not her fantasies but those of her readers. Despite this, she remained firm in her decision to keep her pen name a secret from him.<\/span><\/p>\n
Read<\/strong>: He REFUSED To Pay Her Daughter\u2019s College Fees Because She Din\u2019t Like His \u201cNew\u201d Family. Is He Right?<\/a><\/p>\n
Read<\/strong>: He Was The Bride\u2019s Photographer, But Deleted All The Wedding Photos Without Giving Them. We Think He Is Right. You?<\/a><\/p>\n
Article originally appeared here<\/a>.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"