Despite society’s expectations of boldness and fearlessness, even the bravest men can be intimidated by certain things. Many factors can make even the most muscular man feel uneasy.
A user recently asked, what is something intimidating to men but not to women? Keep on reading to know users’ top 10 responses.
1. Eyelash Curler

“I saw a woman at a bus stop doing hers without a mirror once; I knew immediately that she was not to be messed with.”
“When my brother was maybe 12, he thought it was a toenail cutter. Bless his little heart.”
2. Bleeding

“A while back, I got a nasty UTI that made itself known when I started peeing blood. When I first saw that, I passed out.
“I mentioned that to my mum along with “It’s kind of horrifying to see blood in the toilet, you know” and the look she gave me was absolutely hilarious.”
3. Being Alone With Young Kids

“There’s definitely a stigma around men who want to be elementary school teachers or who work in pediatrics or even so much as drive the kid’s carpool. If I’m out with my kids and niece, I’m a little terrified she’ll have a potty accident and need my help just because of how bad it looks for me to deal with that without her parents there. My wife wouldn’t even think twice about it.” said one.
“Finally, a legit answer. So many things anyone can and do experience, but I feel like this is an experience unique to men. It’s such an unfair stigma.
“Men shouldn’t have to be afraid to be around their children,” replied another.”
4. Showing Affection In Platonic Relationships

“Yes! Touch is essential to human health and well-being and not just physical. Just pure touch. It’s a necessary thing.”
“It’s unfortunate; my partner kinda only gets that from me. But me? I snuggle with my friends every day, holding hands or whatever, and there’s nothing physical about it; it’s nice. I hope we can make it acceptable for everyone to do because it’s crucial to well-being,” said one.
“I would definitely feel very awkward and uncomfortable snuggling with the boys, ” another added.
5. Being Vocal About Mental Health Issues

“We’ve done a lot better job now, but I agree. Another reason I feel (as a man) intimidated to speak about any mental health issue is I feel like people expect the man to “get over it” quick. Like it’s a cold or something..”
6. Pedicures

“It’s the tickles from that damn comb that they use under the nails. It’s terrifying,” said one.
“It’s the pumice stone they use on the soles of your feet that make me afraid I’m going to kick someone in the face.” added another.
7. Communication

“Communication is so important. But some men feel like they’ll be looked down upon if they talk about something big that is bothering them or something that their partner did that hurt them. Sometimes they can’t communicate with their own friends because of how society is. Women are seen as the emotional ones. But that’s not true; men need to be heard too.”
8. Holding A Baby

“Holding a baby. Women of all ages seem to want to hold random babies. I don’t even want to hold babies in my own family. Scared of dropping/hurting them.” said one.
“Babies and I have a mutual “no thank you” when it comes to them being held.” replied another.
9. Visiting A Doctor

“Making Dr. appointments. Seems like every guy I know (me included) hasn’t had a checkup in years or maybe their whole adult life.” said one.
“My husband’s literal philosophy is that if he doesn’t go to the Dr they can’t tell him what’s wrong with him. Ignorance is bliss. I’m almost a hypochondriac, if I think something’s wrong that won’t go away on its own, I’m getting help for it.” replied another.
10. Buying Female Hygiene Products

“The feminine hygiene aisle at the grocery store”
“I realized I had leveled up in my relationship when my wife could tell me what products to buy and I would go get them.”
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The article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.