A simple wrong decision or careless mistake can ruin our lives. Many people have lost their lives due to their choices.
A user asked the forum, “What’s the fastest way to ruin your life in your opinion?” Here are the common responses.

“Heroin. I watched both my older brothers get consumed by it. I had to take custody of my oldest brother’s two kids, now he’s somewhere living on the streets of San Francisco, and my other brother died because of Fentanyl last July. Do yourself a favor; don’t do heroin.”

“Cocaine is God’s way of telling you you’re making too much money -Robin Williams.”

“Gambling. Liquidate all my assets and empty my bank account into a casino. Put it all on roulette. You get in a hole quickly, and more horrible decisions follow.”

“Getting caught in a life-changing lie and destroying all trust in your family, friends, and social groups.”

“Taking real love for granted.”

“Meth. From experience.”

“Life-altering physical injury. All the other suggestions take time (bad marriage, drugs, gambling debts, etc.). A motorcycle or automobile accident leaving you paralyzed, disabled, deformed, etc., can happen instantly.”

“A fast way to ruin your life is to commit a silly, violent crime, walk up to a police officer, and assault him for no reason. You’ll likely be beaten up, restrained, and arrested on the spot, have an excellent period of incarceration, a criminal record, and likely loss of job, career, family, etc.”

“Marrying the wrong person. Maybe not the fastest, but disastrous.”

“Go to prison for life with no one to support you on the outside.”

“Trust someone you think you can count on only to find out they are just in it to control you.”

“Wasted 19 years of life by playing video games.”

“Having children: no more money, freedom, time. Your life becomes about the kid’s life.
Young people, really think about this before you do it. Spend a day with a kid and imagine that is every moment of your life. Imagine your workplace being your preferred place because at least you get some time to work.”

“Drinking and driving. Sorry, I had to correct.”

“Isolate yourself. Pretend you don’t know anybody and nobody likes you (or you don’t like them). I guarantee you that even with all the money and material success in the world, your life is nothing without other people you can call a family.”

“Losing hope. Because when you lose hope, you do things you can’t come back from.”

“Poor credit management. Many people I know have high incomes and could lead reasonably respectable lifestyles with their money but are drowning in bank loans and credit card debt.
Just one illustration: a family friend with a secure career and a chemistry degree drives a 1994 Cavalier in the worst weather. When her brother passed away, she received enough money to pay off some large bills and place a substantial down payment on an apartment (between 70-80 percent).
She continued to claim that it was too tiny, leading to further debt and the disappearance of the funds. Credit card limits can be increased astronomically quickly, but far too many.”

“Unresolved anger issues, a problem with authority, and a raging methamphetamine addiction.”
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This article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.