There is no shame in admitting that you are bad at doing something. Nobody has to excel at everything. In fact, people have unique qualities that make them attractive.
A user asked the forum, “What are you embarrassingly bad at doing?”
Here are the top responses.
“Remembering names. I feel very bad, but if I just met you, there’s about a 99% chance I will not remember it after only being told once.”
“Small talk. I do not know how people move from boring incidentals like weather and jobs to saying anything meaningful and interesting.”
“Dancing. Picture Elaine kicks.”
“Math. I took the entrance exams many years ago when I was accepted to a university. I ‘tested out’ of the English requirement.
But for math, I was relegated to the ‘Oh sweetie, you need some help in this subject, don’t you?’ remedial classes.”
“Writing. My handwriting is absolutely atrocious. It’s worse than doctors’ scripts.”
“Parallel parking. Thank Jesus for parking garages!”
“I know maybe three people’s birthdays by heart, and one of those is mine.
People have been genuinely hurt finding out I don’t remember their birthday, and it is absolutely not because I don’t care; I just literally, quite simply, cannot remember dates.”
“Folding. Paper, bedding, anything that requires folding.”
“Whistling. Never really learned as a kid and now can’t really do it.”
“Maintaining my hair. I treat it like garbage.”
“Wrapping gifts. It’s not for lack of trying; I’m just awful at it.”
“Bowling. I’m just horrific. I’ve gone a decent number of times; 74 is my high score. I usually land around the 15-25 range. Multiple 300s on Wii bowling, so it must be the wind.”
“Riding a bike. I had to give up; I literally would need training wheels.”
“Directions, even with a map. I’m terrible at estimating distances too, so even if the voice on maps tells me the turn is in 400m, I’m never 100% certain how long I have to turn.”
“Communicating. I just can’t seem to get my thoughts across in words.”
“Eating without spilling on myself. At home, I put on an apron just for eating.”
“Listening. I don’t know what you’re saying; I’m elsewhere.”
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This article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.