Kids are superhumans with a knack of creativity and intelligence. Even though they are young and not developed fully, they do certain things much better than adults.
A user asked the forum, “What is something kids are better at than adults?”. Here are the common responses.

“Enjoying life. Ignorance is bliss, and when you’re young, you get plenty of ignorance.”

“Imagination with anything. My son gets excited about cardboard boxes more than any toy.”

“Friendships. Adults are flaky. I know it’s usually not on purpose, but it’s annoying.”

“Not caring about their appearance.”

“Learning. Kids have a much easier time learning anything new because of neuroplasticity. Also, they’re usually much more creative and curious.”

“Being honest. Brutally honest. Standing around with people at the pool, all the guys point out how disgusting we are because of our potbellies. A 10-year-old boy pokes one of the girls standing with us and says, ‘She’s got one too.'”

“Being sick. Children with serious illnesses are way more resilient than adults.”

“Speed, I swear I try to run after one in a game of tag, and I run out of breath in 10 seconds, and there’s like a mile away.”

“Not crossing serious boundaries. Everyone thinks that kids will be rude, weird, or intrusive about my disability, but not once has a child asked me questions that I wouldn’t want to answer. Most adults do it because they see me like a carnival sideshow, not because they’re interested in me.

“Accepting harmless differences as just that.”

“Living in the present moment.”

“Falling over. As a kid, if you take a tumble, you bounce back up and keep going. As an adult, hitting the floor has a much higher risk of injury, and it takes you way longer to do that. ‘Right, is everything okay?’ before you get up again.”

“Being blunt and straight to the point. No beating around the bush.”

“Creativity. There was a study once that used paper clips. I asked children and grown-ups, separately, to come up with as many uses as they could for that paper clip. The average for adults was about 15. The average for kids was like 90.
I learned about the study years ago, in college, and did not look up details, so that they may be fuzzy, but you get the idea.
Plus, being fearless. Adults are scared to get hurt, and rightfully so. Kids don’t have those fears (yet).”

“Boosting your confidence; getting insulted by a child is something, but I work in a daycare where the kids called me ‘beautiful,’ ‘Princess,’ and ‘Gorgeous’ when my boyfriend would only call me ‘Pretty’ and ‘You look cute’ and go on his phone, Those kids are the best, I hope they stay that way.”
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This article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.