Secrets are a part of life. Everyone has them, and some secrets are more disturbing than others. When we discover a disturbing secret about someone close to us, it can be a shock, and it can change the way we see that person forever.
A netizen recently asked, What’s the most disturbing secret you’ve discovered about someone close to you? We were literally blown away by the responses!
Drunk Friend Admits to Horrific Crimes

“Once a really drunk friend who I knew growing up and started hanging out with again after high school told me that he was at one point an enforcer/debt collector for a cocaine dealer and that he shot a homeless person just for fun… I smoke weed and do psychedelics… I thought I was a bad influence.”
An Uncle Beat A Guy Almost To Death With His Bare Hands

“An uncle beat a guy almost to death with his bare hands. He had walked in on a friend harrassing a kid. He had to pay a fine and do community service for a long time but also didn’t have to pay for beer at the local bar for a few months. He was so reserved and kind so it threw me when I found out what he’d accomplished in his younger years.”
My Grandma Stabbed Her Stepfather

“The reason grandma moved away, when my dad was still a baby, to a big city, more than 3 days away from her family, was because she stabbed her stepfather and almost killed him (it was a very small village).
Later she told me he was a rapist. She didn’t elaborate on that and I didn’t ask any follow-up questions. She ended the convo with “I did the right thing”. We never met her side of the family.”
At The Age Of Thirteen, My Aunt Was Molested By Her Uncle

“I found out that my aunt who was 13 at the time was molested by her uncle (my great-uncle) and had a baby in a cellar in the basement of her house.
The baby didn’t make it so she and her little sister buried it there. Years later, when the aunt (who had repressed those memories) had a baby she remembered it all. When her family found out she was labeled by the family. My dad’s side is garbage.”
My Mom Cheated On My Dad For 20 Years

“That my mom cheated on my dad for 20 years and still hasn’t told him to this day.
I’m still trying to figure out what to do and how to go about the situation and exposing the truth about her to my Dad but I’m afraid he would die of a broken heart. The worst thing is, she cheated with my Godfather who used to come to the house and drink coffee with my mom and dad EVERY DAY.”
My Former Friend, A Youth Pastor, Was Grooming Young Girls And Teens

“A former friend of mine from childhood was a youth pastor at a summer church camp. Turns out he was grooming young girls and teens both at camp and online after the camp was over.
The only reason I found out was back in 2011 (he was in his late 20s at the time) one of the girls told her parents and the cops posed as her online while he did things into a webcam. The cop then convinced him to drive 3 hours to go meet and “hook up.” When he showed up at the girl’s place in the middle of the night the cops were waiting and arrested him. He’s now a convicted offender and did time in jail.
The crazy part? Once he got out he moved to Texas and married a divorcee that had kids… he’s also now the “dean of online studies” at his church and is responsible for “growing the number of students taking classes online.”.”
A Work Colleague Appeared On The Front Page Of A National Newspaper For A Life Of Fraudulent Qualifications

“A work colleague appeared on the front page of a national newspaper for a life of fraudulent qualifications. He claimed medical and law degrees, was a brigadier in the army (reserves) and was the CEO of a major health fund.
He actually was a Brigadier in the army reserves but that and the health fund role were largely built on fraudulent qualifications and a progression of jobs also based on these claims.
In reality, the only qualification he actually held was as a mortuary assistant. Not even his wife knew. The fraudulent degrees had been gained when he was in the army reserves recruiting and he had access to submitted position applications.
He came undone when he applied for a government job and some flags were raised by the recruitment people. He tried to withdraw the application but didn’t realize that an application for a government role has the same weight as a statutory declaration and cannot be withdrawn. It all went south very quickly and he ended up doing jail time.”
The Uncle I Was Closest With In Childhood Turned Out To Be A Predator
“I was pretty close with my youngest uncle growing up, at least in pictures (he was in his mid-20s when I was like 5 for context). One day when I was in middle school he just stopped coming around completely.
My entire family told us, kids that he was backpacking around the nation. In high school, I was doing a genealogy project on my grandfather (his dad) and accidentally found my uncle’s name on the molestation offender registry. Come to find out he was running a CP ring and had served 16 years in federal prison. He’s out now and my family pretends nothing happened. I stay far away.”
I Dated A Freak!

“When I was 17, I dated someone who told me when he was drunk that not only would he probably hit me one day, and just wanted me to be prepared, but he also used to molest his little brother. Every now and then I remember that moment and it just…. floors me how dangerous that kid was.”
My Mom’s College-Time Boyfriend Killed Himself After She Broke Up With Him

“Found a scrapbook of my mom and a guy I didn’t recognize from her immediate post-college days. Turns out he was a long-term boyfriend of hers who killed himself when she broke up with him. My grandfather found his body. I learned at age 20, by finding the book/shrine to him.”
When My Grandfather Passed Away, We Discovered That He Did Not Exist

“When my Grandfather passed away we discovered that he did not exist. His name was not in any government registry. He was a normal citizen, paid taxes, had a license and everything. Lived a long life, married to my grandmother for over 50 years, had multiple children, and everything was normal.
Still, to now, no one knows who he really was and why he had a false name.”
My Sister Stole My Mom’s Collection Of Birthday Cards Along With The Money In Them

“My mom received birthday cards with money in them for years from her parents. She kept the cards with the money in them, saving to buy a piano/for sentimental reasons.
My sister, who has repeatedly stolen from family members, found the collection of cards/money and took them. My mom only wanted the cards back when she realized what happened. My sister denied everything. Hate you, Emily.”
My Childhood Bully Used To Be Molested By His Father

“The kid that bullied me in grade 5 & 6… turns out his father molested them.
A Supposedly Great Connection Of Mine Turned Out To Be On The List Of Molestation Offenders

“Met a super nice guy at a networking event when I was just starting out in tech. He had a ton of connections and was a nice family man. Super rich. Eventually, we became friends and he was acting as a mentor figure to me in the industry. Went over to his massive new house, met his family, etc. He had the demeanor and looked like Al Borland from Home Improvement, to give you an idea.
Like 4 years later I was looking at the molestation offender registry map for my local area while I was shopping for houses. Lo and behold, his house popped up. In the early 2000s, he was convicted of co-running a commercial child obscene content sales site. Served 5 years for it in federal prison.”
My Husband Had An Affair With A Woman & Used To Have Physical Intimacy With Men Before He Died

“After my husband died in 2020 I found out he had been having an affair with a 30-year-old, (he was 55), she apparently aborted his baby, and everything he told me about his prior life was a lie (second marriage for both of us) and he had been having intercourse with men since he was in his early 20s. To sum it up, I didn’t know this man at all. We had been together 10 years and married for 6.”
My Great Grandmother Was Married To 3 Different People At The Same Time

“My great-grandmother was married to 3 different people at the same time. The men were from different branches of the military, she was collecting all three of their paychecks at a time.”
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The article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.