In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, everything is disposable. What was considered necessary is now often seen as just a joke. A user asked the forum, “What used to be considered important but is now just a joke?”
Here are some responses he got!

“I can’t believe they keep putting it on all the new computers, or at least Windows computers. It’s like, who wants this?!”

“Terms and Conditions seemed important; now people just whip through til the end. I swear they make them longer than necessary to ensure no one has time to read the whole thing.”

“When I first was introduced to the internet, you would NEVER use your real name or anything remotely identifiable online. Many sites/apps/services require real-life ID to post anything.”

“The Learning Channel Turned to Terrible Life Choices or Touching Little Children.”

“I have exactly two numbers memorized. My own, and my dad’s, only because it hasn’t changed in 20+ years.”

“We were drilled daily on how to write in cursive and told that if we didn’t know how to do this, no one would read anything we had written.”

“They used to have serious power in local communities. Now they have to be glorified customer service reps a lot of the time.”

“Because it’s not Blizzard anymore. It hasn’t been since 2008, when it merged with Activision. Now it’s Activision-Blizzard.”

“Town crier – used to be a respected official who was the source of news and information for all the townspeople, but try walking up and down the street ringing a bell and shouting out the news at the top of your lungs now and see how much respect you get.”

“Privacy, especially legal privacy. The Patriot Act turned The Constitution into a giant piece of toilet paper.”

“People are going to deny its initial popularity reflexively, but Facebook. It even used its exclusivity as its primary marketing tool during its initial launch only for colleges.”

“China and China cabinets. We used to treat that like it was gold, hand washing it carefully, only getting it out on special occasions… I’ll never care about fancy dinner plates that much, sorry boomers.”

“It used to be a way to earn an honest living. Now, he’s only used to convey other person’s mom’s promiscuity.”

“Ownership, now you’re always just using a service. You’re not allowed to own anything, not your house, TV, or phone. Your underwear is a work in progress, yet to be a service provided at a cost.”

“Seriously, have you EVER seen anyone respond when they hear one?”
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This article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.