There are certain traits in men that are disliked by many, including other men. A user took it to the forum, and asked “Men, what do you hate about men?”. Here are the top responses.
“I don’t want to fight you because we accidentally bumped into each other or your girl. When I said, ‘Excuse me, sorry,’ I meant it. Just relax.”, said one user.
“Some men don’t seem to really like women. They just treat women like objects.”, said one user.
“These men are missing out on great female friendships. But there can only be friendship with mutual respect.”, said another user.
“I hate men who have a constant commitment to the “tough guy” act. I’m someone who doesn’t take myself too seriously and often makes self deprecating jokes to break the ice.
I was doing this at a casino once with a group of strangers and one guy seemed to see my joke as an opening to repeatedly mock me and assert his “dominance”.
Pretty much ruined the overall mood at the table. Like dude can you just be a person for 20 minutes and laugh along with the rest of us instead of playing some kind of Johnny Bravo character?”, said one user.
“Just stop bragging. You look like a tool, and yes, it’s the reason nobody likes you.”, said one user.
“Nothing is worse than the people that subtly brag about experiences. They never talk WITH you, they always talk at you. When I have conversations about experiences, I always try to tell stories about things that I think they’d be interested in if they ever went there.
I try to explain why I enjoyed it and the things they’d enjoy. Nothing is worse than people who do one sided story that’s all “Me, me, me, I did this, and I did that, and I went to wine country, and I spent a lot of money, and I went horseback riding” and telling that to a group and are to self centered to see how annoying it is.”, said another user.
“The thought that any emotional openness means the guy is a homosexual.”, said one user.
“This! When I finally got healthier (depression, anxiety, etc.,) and made therapy a more important part of my life I decided I didn’t care about what image I projected by being vulnerable and kind to others. It’s so freeing and important to all people.
Men who find this ‘gay’ or a weakness make me shake my head. The connection with others is what has driven my newfound happiness.”, said another user.
“Some men obsess over dating and chasing girls. I mean I like girls too, but I don’t sit around and talk about it non-stop.”, said one user.
“Recently I went to a dancing club after years of break (children and stuff) and watched literally tons of situations, where a drunk guy tries to dance with a stranger woman, to hold her, hug her, even kiss her – she clearly says ‘no’, and pushes him, but he still keeps trying – from the left, from the right, from behind.
Terrifying and disgusting. Especially when I think about what my daughter would have to get through in maybe 10 years from now.”, said one user.
“I absolutely hate competitive banter from strangers. I don’t mind the occasional jibe from my mates, but if you don’t know me, just keep your mouth shut.”, said one user.
“My friends have had no success with girls, and now they’re at a point where they’ll only make misogynistic comments all the time.”
“The shift from when we’re all hanging with women around to just the two of us and suddenly it becomes okay for them to start making derogatory comments about whoever we were just with.
I’m glad you feel comfortable with me dude but I don’t think you should ever feel comfortable enough to start saying those things. Respect for people still goes even when they’re not there to listen.”, said another user.
“Road rage is a bigger problem among men. Everyone needs to just chill out and be patient on the roadways.”, said one user.
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This article was originally published on Mrs Daaku Studio.